Presidential elections in Turkmenistan were held on March 12, 2022. The international community has focused on Turkmenistan on days of preparation for elections and voting days.
Representatives of international organizations such as the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Organization of Turkic States, international observers from around the world, as well as representatives of international organizations in Turkmenistan, foreign embassies registered in Turkmenistan as international observers visited the polling stations on the day of voting, and were familiarized with the election process and the voting process. 75 international observers observed the elections.
Observers from international organizations who came to Turkmenistan as observers noted that Turkmenistan adhered to the generally accepted democratic norms and that elections were held on an organized, competitive basis in a transparent manner.
This is confirmed by letters which received these days from the international organizations to the Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan, and also the statements posted on the websites of those organizations.
"To organize a high level of observation of the election season for the work of observers of the Commonwealth of Independent States would be a condition for the preparation of an honest statement about the conduction of the elections. Responsible approach to the work entrusted to the staff of the election commissions of Turkmenistan ensured that the election campaign was held at a high organizational level." Is noticed in the letter of S.N. Lebedev, chairman, executive secretary of the Executive committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
The statement of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Observer group’s observing the elections of the President of Turkmenistan concludes with the following results:
"The observer group notes that the Presidential election in Turkmenistan was held in accordance with the Constitution and the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, as well as the regulatory legal acts of the Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan.
The observer group confirms that the Presidential election has been transparent, genuine, and democratic, and that it is an important step in Turkmenistan's further democratic development.
There have been no reports of violations of national law by the Observer group, which cast doubt on the legitimacy of the Presidential election.
The observer group congratulates the people of Turkmenistan on the ending of the elections and wishes the country success in its efforts to strengthen its Independence, sovereignty and socio-economic development, new success and prosperity."
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