Under the wise leadership of our esteemed President, our people welcome the revival of the new era of the Powerful state with great enthusiasm, the higher goals, the brightest dreams, are nourished in the heart.
In his historic speech at the inauguration ceremony the Head of the state said: “In the successful achievement of the goals he relied primarily on our people, their unity, integrity, consciousness and courage.” “Motherland is Motherland only with the people! State is that only with the people!”
This symbolizes the unity and solidarity of the Motherland and the people, high trust between the people and newly elected President.
By the way, in our dear Motherland, the multi-party system, which reflects the full image of the unity of the turkmen society, the internal harmony of all strata, is also evidenced by the transparency of the organized elections at various levels, in a broad competitive environment, in accordance with democratic principles. Because the elections are the reflection and result of the political system of civil society.
The close support of the Head of the state, in our country, elections are held in accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan, our national laws, and generally recognized international norms and the work of the electoral system is being improved.
In order to get acquainted with the work of the electoral system in-depth and wide, the students of the III season of the direction of "Professional development of employees of local executive bodies and local self-government bodies" of the State service academy under the President of Turkmenistan visited the Central Election Commission office on March 31, 2022 to strengthen their knowledge in theoretical studies.
In production practice they were exchanged interesting questions and answers and they were given a broad understanding on organizational works of the elections on democratic basis, preparation and conduction of elections and referendums, amendments and supplements to the Electoral code of Turkmenistan, election commissions, electoral system, suffrage, introduction of digital system in elections, as well as elections of the President of Turkmenistan on March 12 this year and its results.
The participants of the production practice, expressed their sincere gratitude to the President for the opportunity to study, work and improve their skills in the increasingly democratic country.
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