12 June

The forward-looking relationships between Turkmenistan and the state of Hungary

As you know, on June 8-9, 2023, Hungarian Prime-minister Viktor Orban paid a two-day official visit to our country. Turkmen-Hungarian cooperation has a special place in the period of more active relations between Turkmenistan and the countries of the European Union. The visit of the Prime-minister of Hungary to Turkmenistan is another proof of the international reputation of our country and the effectiveness of its foreign policy. 

During the visit a high-level talks were held between the President of Turkmenistan and the Prime-minister of Hungary. During the talks which took place in the atmosphere of mutual trust, the Presidents exchanged views on the main issues of turkmen-hungarian relations, taking into account new opportunities and priority plans for the future. 

Speaking about the political direction of intergovernmental relations, our esteemed President emphasized the fruitful nature of bilateral cooperation in the international space, first of all, within the framework of the United Nations. 

Our State Leader emphasized that the turkmen side is willing to further develop fruitful and multifaceted relations with Hungary. Then, based on the results of the meeting, the signing ceremony of bilateral documents took place. 

Also, during the visit the Prime-minister of Hungary Viktor Orban met with our Hero Arkadag, the National Leader of the turkmen people, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan. 

Our Hero Arkaag said that he remembers his visit to Hungary in June 2014 with pleasant feelings. During that visit a Joint Declaration defining the main directions of turkmen-hungarian cooperation was adopted. As Viktor Orban emphasized, the rapid development of Turkmenistan is being watched with great interest in the whole world and in Hungary. Also, the country's foreign policy based on the principles of Neutrality is highly appreciated. 

As mentioned, Turkmenistan, which has huge reserves of natural gas is open to mutually beneficial cooperation and is ready to discuss this issue more thoroughly. Our country which has a favorable geographical location attaches great importance to cooperation in the transport sector, to the expansion of the relevant communication infrastructure, to the creation of transit corridors, first of all, corridors in the East-West direction. 

The Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan taking into account the existing opportunities for the development of effective relations in various fields, expressing confidence that the established turkmen-hungarian cooperation will be successfully continued in the future, confirmed the readiness of the turkmen side to implement new joint projects. 

The official visit of the Prime-minister of Hungary to Turkmenistan will be an important basis for the further strengthening of turkmen-hungarian relations.

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07 July
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07 July
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07 July
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