25 July

Held a meeting of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan

On July 25, 2023, was held a meeting of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan. On the agenda of the meeting were included issues related to summarizing, confirming and announcing the results of the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township of Karizek etrap of Arkadag city held on July 23 of this year, based on the reports of the head of the election commission of Arkadag city and the representatives responsible for national observers on the results of the election monitoring. 

Great importance is attached to the democratization of state and public life in our country under the wise leadership of our esteemed President. In the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state a wide range of activities aimed at strengthening democratic principles are successfully carried out in our country. In particular, all conditions are created to hold the elections in our country based on democratic principles, in accordance with our modern national laws and generally recognized international norms. 

As noted in the meeting, the elections of members of Aba Annayev township of Karizek etrap of Arkadag city were held in competitive, open and transparent conditions. 

All pre-election activities were carried out in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of the applicable national legislation and generally recognized international norms. A voting event was held in an organized manner at the 1st polling station of Karizek etrap, which is located within the electoral districts created for the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township. As before the elections, the voters’ activity was the main feature of the political-social event on the elections day. In this regard, 218 out of 236 voters included in the voter's list participated in the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township, and voted for the worthy candidate. This means that 92.37 percent of citizens who have the right to vote participated. 

During the meeting was heard the report of the head of Arkadag city election commission on the work carried out on summarizing the election results. According to the Election code, on the basis of democratic principles, two candidates were registered for one place in 5 constituencies, which indicates that these elections were held on a competitive basis. Thus, according to the minutes of the election commissions on the voting results, 5 members of gengesh were elected. 

In accordance with the current national legislation, the lists of elected officials will be made available to the public in the near days. 

All stages of election-related activities were observed by 6 national observers appointed by political parties, public associations candidates of Turkmenistan. 

The reports of representatives of political parties and central bodies of public organizations responsible for national observers were heard about the results of the elections monitoring activities. According to reports, national observers emphasized that the elections were held at a high organizational level and without any irregularities. 

At the end of the meeting the head of the Central election commission expressed his gratitude to those who presented there, to those who participated in the organization of the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township, including the media representatives for the effective provision of information during the election season and for their responsible participation in the organization and comprehensive support for the further strengthening of the democratic foundations of the state. 


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