The Central Committee for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan held the meeting with members of the Mission of the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which arrived to Turkmen capital for evaluation of organization and conduct of the Presdiential Elections on February 12.
During the meeting, the participants noted the efficiency of long bilateral cooperation, which important aspects are the share of experience and study of legal standards and international practices of elections campaigns. In this regards, the main attention was focused on active preparation to the elections of the Presdient of independent neutral Turkmenistan.
The schedule of the events planned by the Central Election Committee, list of election districts and pooling stations, samples of documents and overall undertaken work were introduced to the guests. It was stated that the first two phases of election campaign – nomination and registration of the candidates for the highest government post, were held in accordance with existing legislation of Turkmenistan and made the foundation of the democratic elections, which are organized on wide alternative basis taking into account the universal standard.
The impartiality of election process will promote the participation of national and international obervers and largest international organizations including the CIS, SCO as well as evaluation groups of the ODIHR/OSCE, which were invited by Turkmen side. They will have free opportunity to monitor the course of election campaign and the voting, to visit pooling stations in the capital and velayats of the country.
Representative of the Central Election Committee assured that all neceassary conditions would be established for monitoring of all stages of the events undetaken for Presidential Elections in Turkmenistan, held in atmosphere of publicity and opennes.
During the meeting at the Central Committee for Elections and Referendums, the members of the OSCE Mission received appropriate certificates.
Having highly evaluated open door and interested international partnership policy undertaken by our country as well as the course for broad democratic reform, which was proved by the adoption of new Election Code, the members of the ODIHR/OSCE delegation expressed the willingness of their organization to continue comprehensive support of Turkmen side in implementation of legal reform, which is aimed at continued progress of national legislation and election system.
At the same day, interested share of the opinions on the prospects of activation of long successful partnership took place during the meeting of members of the mission of the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the OSCE in the Ministry of Justice. In this relation, the importance of work of these departments in provision of rights and freedoms of the citizens under the campaign for the Presdiential elections in Turkmenistan was highlighted.
The programme of the delegation includes the meetings in the Mejlis, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State News Agency (TDH), State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography, Turkmen National Institute of Democracy and Human Rights under the Presdient of Turkmenistan, in non-gevernment organizations including the Female Council and Magtumguly Youth Organization.
Meetings with the candidiates for the post of the President of Turkmenistan, who were nominated by political parties and initiative groups of the citizens, will be also organized.
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