02 Feb

Candidate Serdar Jelilov met with voters of the capital

Candidate for the President of Turkmenistan – Chief of the Economy and Development Department of Akhal velayat Serdar Jelilov met with voters in the “Mekan” Palace of the Ashgabat Khyakimlik. The local authorities, representatives of the labor collectives, public and media, as well as the elders and youth take participation in a meeting. Representatives of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights attended a meeting. They arrived in the Turkmen capital to assess the process of preparation and holding of the presidential elections in Turkmenistan upcoming on February 12.

Trusted person of the presidential candidate familiarized the audience with the biography of S.Jelilov, having focused on such qualities as practical experience, professionalism and responsibility.

The presidential candidate made public the election program points. Its priorities include maintaining mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries of the world, the formation of a diverse system of energy exports, and the strengthening of the country’s economic power.

During a productive dialogue with participants in a meeting S.Jelilov pointed out the need to strengthen food security by investing in the technical re-equipment and modernization of the agro-industrial complex, development of the chemical industry which supplied the rural population with chemical fertilizers, and expanding a network of processing plants.

10 July
Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň möhletinden öň çykyp giden deputatlarynyň saýlaw okruglarynda 2024-nji ýylyň 7-nji iýulynda geçirilen saýlawlarda saýlanylan deputatlar barada maglumat

1-nji «Garaşsyzlyk» saýlaw okrugy boýunça Bazarow Rejep – Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Diwanynyň Iş dolandyryjysy, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow adyndaky Howandarlyga mätäç çagalara hemaýat bermek bo...

09 July
Türkmenistanda Saýlawlary we sala salşyklary geçirmek boýunça merkezi toparyň mejlisi geçirildi

2024-nji ýylyň 9-njy iýulynda Türkmenistanda Saýlawlary we sala salşyklary geçirmek boýunça merkezi toparyň mejlisi geçirildi. Mejlisiň gün tertibine Aşgabat şäheriniň saýlaw toparynyň ýolbaşçysynyň w...

07 July
The voting for the elections has ended

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 19 o'clock, there were voted 91,32% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 91,84%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...

07 July
Voting continues

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 17 o'clock, there were voted 85,55% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 85,91%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...

07 July
Voting continues

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 15 o'clock, there were voted 76,11% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 74,72%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...

07 July
Voting continues

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 13 o'clock, there were voted 62,91% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 63,67%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...

07 July
Voting continues

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 11 o'clock, there were voted 41,29% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 40,76%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...

07 July
Voting continues

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 9 o'clock, there were voted 20,22% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 20,23%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarapl...