04 Feb

Suleimannepes Nurnepesov answers the questions of Ashgabat electorate

Heads of local administration, representatives of the enterprises and organizations, mass media, the elders and youth as well as members of the Office of Democratic Institution and Human Rights of the OSCE who arrived to Turkmenistan for estimation of preparation and organization of Presidential Elections on February 12, took part in the meeting with candidate for the post of the President of the country, General Director of Garabogazsulphat Production Association of the State Concern “Turkmenhimiya” Suleimannepes Nurnepesov.

Official representative of the candidate, nominated by the initiative group of the citizens, told the participants on the main milestones of S. Nurnepesov biography and characterized him as experienced and initiative leader.

After, the aspirant for the highest government position presented key provisions of his election programme. The candidate highlighted that efficient and rational use of the potential of every branch of economy, implementation of information technologies, improvement of financial and banking sphere are the priorities of his programme. Special attention will be paid to social protection of the population, construction of modern facilities for public health, education, cultural, physical training and sport spheres, development of transport and communication infrastructure and construction branch.

Further development of chemical industry is among the priorities of the programme. In particular, it was mentioned that presence of large reserves of natural gas and other minerals gives broad opportunities for accumulation of powers for production of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and different chemical productions. The agenda of the day includes integrated development of hydromineral raw materials f Garabogazgol bay, iodine and bromine deposits of Balkan, natural reserves of Garlyk, Garabil and Tyubegetan and other places of Turkmen land.

Answering the questions of the participants of the meeting, S. Nurnepesov explained in details his plans for improvement of public health system and education, transport sphere and social sector as well as employment the yout, construction of living houses in the cities and settlements of the western region.

The candidate emphasized the key direction of the state policy of Turkmenistan is the establishment of integral and flexible system of strategic planning by organization of management of micro- and macroeconomic process on scientific basis.

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