At a final press conferences of international observers, representing such influential structures as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), as well as the mission of observers from the Commonwealth of Independent States, the results of monitoring the preparation and conduct of elections of the President of Turkmenistan have been announced. The event was attended by representatives of national and foreign media, as well as members of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda in Turkmenistan and members of provincial and metropolitan election commissions.
Addressing the gathering, the head of mission expressed gratitude to the leadership of the country and the Central Election Commission for the invitation to take part in the most important socio-political event in the life of the country, noted with satisfaction that the Presidential elections in Turkmenistan have been successfully organized on broad alternative basis, in conditions of openness and transparency, and with high activity of the electorate.
As has been emphasized, international observers in the course of their activities were guided by the principles of neutrality, non-interference in internal affairs, respect for the laws of the hosting State, objectivity in the evaluation of the campaign, the organization and the course of elections. It was noted that the national electoral legislation has become sophisticated in the recent years. An example of this is the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, compliant with universally recognized norms of international law in the field of democratic elections and serving as sufficient legal basis to ensure free and open expression of the will of voters.
Speaking about the shortcomings identified in the course of voting, mission head noted that they were insignificant in nature, mainly technical, and did not affect the legitimacy of the elections.
Voicing the general opinion of observers, speakers emphasized that the presidential campaign in Turkmenistan was held in compliance with the ethics rules, in the spirit of correctness and in a relaxed atmosphere. As stated, the Turkmen people voted for stability, for the course, which is undertaken by the current leadership of Turkmenistan, aimed at improving the social standards of citizens, and further growth of the national economy.
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