21 May

Elections to National Parliament, People’s Councils and National Councils Held in Turkmenistan

As stated by the observers who have monitored the elections, they became yet another important step towards strengthening the democratic foundation of the Turkmen society, and reflected the citizens’ active involvement in state affairs.

The right to represent their constituents in the national parliament and the local authorities was claimed by the citizens widely respected and broadly trusted by their compatriots. Among the candidates were rural farmers; representatives of government institutions; leading specialists from various industries; economists, educators, scientists, cultural figures, healthcare professionals, activists from political parties, public organizations and associations. Several candidates from political parties and groups of citizens were registered for every seat in the National Parliament, people’s councils and local councils. Thus, today’s elections were held on a widely competitive basis, in accordance with the principles of democracy and transparency.

According to the Central Election Commission for Elections and Referenda of Turkmenistan, all polling stations opened simultaneously in the time set for election. 21 of them were located in Ashgabat; 40 in Ahal province; 59 in Dashoguz; 31 in Lebap; 93 in Mary.

58 393 voters were registered to take part in the election of members of the National Parliament of Turkmenistan in the following constituencies: Ashgabat constituency no. 7 (Gunesh); Mary province constituency no. 106 (Wekil).

The total of 175 521 voters were registered by the local commissions at elections of provincial, district and municipal people’s councils and local councils.

The election process was monitored by the national observes who were present at every polling station. According to their assessment, elections were held on a competitive and democratic basis, in strict conformity with the existing national legislation and generally recognized norms of international law.

The Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of Turkmenistan reported that, by the time the polling stations closed at 19:00; 91.02 per cent of voters took part in the elections to the National Parliament; 90.91 per cent of voters took part in the elections to the provincial, district, municipal people’s councils and local councils.

According to the information provided by the Central Election Commission, elections are recognized valid. The results will be announced shortly.

10 July
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07 July
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07 July
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07 July
Voting continues

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07 July
Voting continues

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07 July
Voting continues

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07 July
Voting continues

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