I express my gratitude to the initiative group of citizens which nominated me as a candidate for the post of the President of Turkmenistan and wish them great success in their work.
The current presidential election proves the respect for the principles of national democracy and human rights in our independent, permanently neutral state.
The radical reforms implemented in our country, unprecedented achievements in economy, politics and culture, strengthen the economic, political and social foundations of the state.
The national economy had been renovated and modernized radically. The new production capacity had been introduced. The enormous facilities, amazing in their scope, were built.
Every day of the Turkmen people is crowned with the solemn events and great successes. Domestic and foreign policy of the country, aimed at ensuring a peaceful and prosperous life of every family and every citizen, as well as the initiatives, which had been put forward in order to strengthen peace in the region and world, radical changes, carried out for the raising Turkmenistan into the ranks of developed countries in the world, have been yielding positive results.
Today, the Turkmen people fully and completely supports progressive reforms aimed at strengthening the peaceful life of citizens, ensuring the welfare of the people at the level of developed countries in the world. Each of us is proud of the success of the country and tries to make a worthy contribution to epic achievements.
The ongoing reforms, national ideology, decisions on improving the living conditions, social and economic development of towns and villages prove the correctness of the chosen path.
If I would be elected to the highest post of Turkmenistan, I will pursue the following tasks for the sake of the Turkmen people.
In every way to broaden and deepen reforms in sphere of social security, transport and communications, oil and gas and other industries, construction of factories, manufacturing facilities, organizing international forums, exhibitions, scientific conferences.
The further measures for the development of the national tourist zone Avaza will be taken, and for putting into operation of stadiums and equestrian complexes in provinces of the country, the railway bridge across the Amu Darya, which is one of the major facilities in Central Asia, the Balkan cement plant, which will become a reliable support for the economy country, and in the future we will pay attention to worthy facilities, bringing undeniable benefits to the national economy. Our steps in this direction will provide Turkmenistan rapid and unprecedented development.
We will continue to improve the material and technical base of the agro-industrial complex. All the necessary conditions will be created for the formation of new production relations, as well as measures will be taken for the transfer of land to the true owners - the farmers.
The scientific developments and best practices will be widely introduced. The measures aimed at further improving the social and living conditions of farmers, will be realized. The government procurement prices for cotton and wheat will raise.
We will carry out radical changes in agriculture. Due attention will be paid to water management.
The government will keep the focus on issues of supply of water management companies with high productive, powerful machinery and further investing in this sector.
In order to provide agriculture with mineral fertilizers, we will work on increase the production capacity of facilities, under construction in the country. Construction of new plants for the production of fertilizers will help to improve the profitability of the industry. Also the great importance will be attached to the introduction into practice of modern scientific research and technological achievements, aimed at developing the sectors of agriculture and water resources.
We will conduct comprehensive work on supplying the cities, towns and villages with clean drinking water. Along with the urban population, the same opportunities to improve social and living conditions of rural population will be created. These tasks will be a priority of our activity.
The level of development of each country is determined by the social security of citizens and families. Our country carries out huge work in this direction. The slogan “The state - for the people” calls for social protection of every citizen. We will provide a high level of employment and guarantee a consistent growth in salaries, pensions, allowances and student payments.
State support will be provided for the purchase of luxury apartments at the subsidized basis. The newlyweds will be provided loans for the purchase of household goods.
The establishment of new institutions at the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan will allow young scientists to unleash creativity, to make discoveries, and worthy contribution to the development of science. The progressive development of the scientific sphere is one of our priorities.
We will build schools, open universities. The structure of the new education centers and equipping level will meet the current requirements.
The regular support will be provided for the public supply by educational publications. Students will be presented with not only all the necessary training facilities, but also decent living conditions.
The solution of these tasks, the creation of comfortable living conditions will contribute to upbringing healthy and educated generation.
The country will realize the tasks aimed at the protection of national cultural values and heritage. The focus will be made on opening in all provinces the historical and local history museums, libraries, as well as on providing full support for scientific discoveries and preservation of national traditions.
National culture and traditions determine our present and our future. Therefore, further development of culture will be a priority of the state policy.
Also the particular importance will be paid to the development of Turkmenistan's oil and gas industry, since this sector is one of the leading and it has decisive role in ensuring the export potential of the state. Facilities of this industry will be modernized through the introducing advanced technologies.
Turkmenistan, as permanent neutral state, will successfully continue its foreign policy in relation to its internal development. Equal and mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of the world will further contribute to strengthening the international prestige of Turkmenistan.
The ensuring of country's prosperity in third millennium requires the successful accomplishment of the following tasks:
- Improvement of the branch structure of agricultural production, increasing volumes of agricultural output;
- Increasing crop yields and productivity of livestock breeding for the improvement of provision of population with foodstuff;
- Ensuring friendly environment for crop production and food production;
- Reducing the cost of food products and raising competitiveness of domestic producers on internal markets;
- Improving the activity of the enterprises, dealing with storage of food, and first of all, with long-term storage of fresh fruits and vegetables, other food, their packaging with the use of latest materials, transportation and marketing;
- State support of major manufacturers of food products and creating new farmers' associations;
- Establishment and government support for farmers' associations, which cultivate melons, potatoes, yielding 2-3 crops per year, and able to compete with foreign products at fruit and vegetable market;
- Establishment of private greenhouses to increase vegetable production;
- Expansion of the country's areas under fruit trees and vineyard;
- Development of specialized forms of farming, capable to export vegetables, melons and grapes;
- Creation of new farmers' associations in subtropical zones of Turkmenistan, specializing in the cultivation of pome fruits, olives, pomegranates, figs, grapes;
- Intensification of industrial development of country’s provinces, further improvement of social and living conditions of the population in provinces;
- Highly efficient use of the productive forces, the diversification of industry, creation of new jobs with advanced equipment.
At the present stage of development of Turkmenistan, which is, undoubtedly, one of the rapidly growing countries in the world, there is a need for large-scale transformations for more harmonious, perfect functioning of the economy. One of the most important tasks is training young professionals able to implement the most challenging projects that will become strategic in the future development of our Motherland.
We are faced with the priority tasks for the implementation of Programs, designed to ensure prosperous life for contemporary and future generations. I wish the native people success and unity in achieving our great goals.
I wish success to the other candidates.
I take this opportunity to sincerely congratulate the respected President of Turkmenistan, the other candidates and Turkmen people on the New Year 2017! I wish success, family welfare and further prosperity of Turkmenistan!
The biography of Maksat Kovusovich Annanepesov
Maksat Annanepesov was born in Ashgabat on January 18, 1974.
He graduated from S. A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University in 1996, having received qualification of the scientist – agronomist.
He started his carrier in hothouse farm of Gyami settlement and worked there until 2005 as agronomist and later as director of the farm.
In 2005 – 2006, Maksat Annanepesov worked as safety engineer in Ruhabat Textile Complex.
In 2006 – 2008, he was Chief Specialist of Engineering Service of the State Association of Food Industry of Turkmenistan. He worked as Chief Specialist and deputy Director of the Plant Protection Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management of Turkmenistan.
Maksat Annanepesov worked as Head of Agricultural Department of the Section of Agricultural Branches of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan in 2011 – 2012 and as leading specialist of the department of Agricultural Production and Water Resources of the Section of Agricultural Branches of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan in 2012 – 2013.
In 2013, he was appointed as Deputy Chairman of the State Association of Food Industry of Turkmenistan.
Maksat Annanepesov is married and has four children.
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