Since gaining the status of permanent Neutrality on December 12, 1995, the authority and glory of our Motherland has been growing throughout the world. This is also evidenced by the Resolution of the “Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan”, which was unanimously adopted in June 2015 at the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly by 193 UN member states. On February 2, 2017, at the 71st session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, a resolution was adopted unanimously to declare December 12 the International Day of Neutrality. This fact has become another clear evidence of the high prestige of our Motherland on the world stage. Since December 12, the Day of Neutrality has been celebrated not only in Turkmenistan, but throughout the world. This celebration spreads around the world and becomes a support to the pattern of Turkmen Neutrality. That is why it is appropriate to note once again that permanent Neutrality has given our people an unshakable happiness.
The status of Neutrality in all its diversity has its own characteristics. For example, the status of Neutrality of Switzerland and Austria are permanent, and the status of Neutrality of Sweden has a long-term and contractual nature. Countries that have acquired the status of Neutrality after the Second World War have a positive character, that is, they have a policy of not entering into any military and economic alliances.
The status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan is different in that, it is supported not only by regional states, but also by 193 UN member states. Permanent Neutral Turkmenistan is geographically located at the intersection of the Great Silk Road. The status of Neutrality of our country is important not only for the countries of the region of Central Asia, but also for the countries of the entire Globe. That is why the United Nations attaches great importance to the status of the Neutrality of our country.
Independent, permanently Neutral Turkmenistan is gaining more and more respect throughout the world, like a friendly, cohesive, humane country. Due to the consistent lead of Turkmenistan’s Neutral Policy, good neighborly relations have risen to new levels. This is a great merit of the distinguished President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who conducts a fair domestic and foreign policy. That is why on June 3, 2015, at the 69th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations was again recognized the status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan. This once again confirms the universal value of the Neutrality of our state.
Turkmenistan, which is considered friendly, peaceful, trusting, humane province, is gaining more and more popularity and respect throughout the world. At present, Turkmenistan has established close, friendly relations with many countries of the world.
The Central Election Commission congratulates all citizens of Independent, permanently Neutral Turkmenistan with the national holiday of Neutrality of Turkmenistan and the International Day of Neutrality, which is celebrated on December 12!
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