22 Nov

Members of the newly formed precinct election commissions: results and figures

In Independent, Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan, as a result of the direct support of the distinguished President to the activity of electoral system, our country has gained good experience in organizing elections in accordance with the law and international requirements.

Due to the completion of the five-year term of office of precinct election commissions created in 2014, they were re-created.

In accordance with the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, on September 17, 2019, the Central Election Commission approved a plan of events to organize the relevant work on the creation of precinct election commissions.

Precinct election commissions are formed by the corresponding election commission of the etrap, city of 5-15 members. If necessary, precinct election commissions may be formed in a minimum of three members. The term of office of a precinct election commission is five years.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, representatives of the Democratic Party, the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan, as well as the primary organizations of public associations - Trade Unions, Women's Union, Youth Organization named after Magtymguly, as well as groups of citizens were nominated to the precinct election commissions.

More precisely:

From the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan - 4831 people;

From the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan - 367;

From the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan - 1451;

From the Trade Unions of Turkmenistan - 4625;

From the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly - 2981;

From the Union of Women of Turkmenistan - 1808;

From groups of citizens - 1523.

Today, for holding voting on elections within our country, the total number of polling stations is 2568. A total of 17586 representatives have been nominated to the membership of these precinct election commissions. Including:

To the 364 polling stations of the Ahal velayat - 2169 members;

To the 272 polling stations of the Balkan velayat - 1578 members;

To the 523 polling stations of the Dashoguz velayat - 3232 members;

To the 559 polling stations of the Lebap velayat - 3657 members;

To the 548 polling stations of the Mary velayat - 4125 members;

To the 302 polling stations of the city of Ashgabat - 2825 members.

Most polling stations are located in the buildings of educational institutions and other government departments. More precisely:

In higher education institutions there are 17 polling stations with 181 members;

There are 39 polling stations with 361 members in secondary specialized craft schools;

In secondary schools there are 1499 polling stations with 10691 members;

There are 213 polling stations with 1572 members in kindergartens;

In cultural institutions there are 175 polling stations with 1148 members;

There are 64 polling stations with 449 members in healthcare facilities;

In gengesh institutions there are 90 polling stations with 526 members;

In other departments, enterprises there are 471 polling stations with 2658 members.

43.45% of members of precinct election commissions are women. In terms of education - 52.05% are people with higher education, 31.13% with secondary special education, and 16.82% with secondary education. It should also be noted that 75.53% of members aged 30 to 50 years, and this is a clear example of the participation of a new generation in the socio-political life of the country. Among the newly elected members there are working specialists with organizational skills working in the fields of industry, science, education, healthcare, culture and art, social security, finance and economics, as well as agricultural workers in our national economy. Over 60% of them are citizens working in the field of science and education. Also among them are representatives of different nationalities living together in our country, namely: Turkmens, Azerbaijans, Balochis, Bashkirs, Armenians, Persians, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Koreans, Uzbeks, Russians, Tatars. And this means that they will actively participate in the next five years in all democratic elections held in our country.

An important task facing election commissions is the organized holding elections in our country in accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, international standards, based on clarity, democratic principles and alternativeness.

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