Under the wise and prudent leadership of our esteemed President, great work is being done in all spheres, as well as in the electoral system. Elections based on internationally recognized norms and national democratic principles are an important socio-political event in the life of our country, it is a clear example of the full protection of citizens’ suffrage.
It is also clear that effective work is underway in regards to improvement of the electoral system, to raise awareness among the eligible citizens, and make it known to the public, also our electoral process is in line with the international experience of conducting elections on a democratic basis.
On December 24 of this year, under the joint plan of the Academy of state service under the President of Turkmenistan and the Central Commission for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan to get acquainted with the work of the electoral system, the Central Election Commission conducted a course on strengthening the knowledge «in improving the professional level for local bodies of executive power and local self-government bodies» for the listeners of the Academy of state service.
Central Election Commission delivered a speech to the listeners of the Academy of state service about the additions and changes to the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, as well as preparations for the first election of the members of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh (Parliament) of Turkmenistan which to be held on March 28, 2021. Also, there was a broad discussion in regards to elections in our country, other international experiences, electoral legislation, and many other questions on the work of the Central Election Commission were answered.
It is pertinent to note that taking advantage of the opportunities provided by our esteemed President to improve the professional skills of employees working in various professions were the listeners of the local authorities and local self-government officials who came from the regions and the city of Ashgabat to improve their skills.
The participants of this productive course expressed their gratitude to our President Arkadag for the conditions he has created for studying, working, and improving their skills, and cordially congratulated our esteemed President and the entire Turkmen people on the upcoming “2021 - International Year of Peace and Trust”.
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