07 Jan


I express my gratitude to the members of the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan for nominating me as a candidate for presidency, and with all my heart I wish them success in their work.

As a result of tireless creative labor of the Turkmen people, our Fatherland in a short time has achieved great successes in economic, health care, social and other spheres, its international prestige has increased significantly.

Solemnly marked 25th anniversary of independence of the country clearly demonstrated unprecedented results of the great transformations. In the era of power and happiness, every citizen is convinced of the effectiveness of the wonderful motto “The state - for the people”. Multiple programs and reforms, which are currently being implemented, are based on the interests of each person and the whole society.

Following age-old distinctive democratic principles, our ancestors have always respected the dignity and rights of every person, thereby having formed a kind of school of national democracy, where any business started on the basis of public opinion, interests of the people.

Systematic improvement of national legislation and implementation of international standards contributes to further strengthening of the Turkmen society, ensuring the rights and freedoms of every citizen of our state.

If I am elected to the post of the President of Turkmenistan, I shall seek to implement the following tasks.

Combining interests of the state, society and every individual, ensuring legal framework that will provide impetus to further prosperity of our country.

I assure voters that, based on the solidarity of the people and spiritual values, will make every effort for realization of measures aimed at a happy and prosperous life of all people, enhancing the level of social living conditions, development of national economy, strengthening food security, stability and peace in the country, improvement of the legal framework of our democratic, legal and secular state.

Particularly significant positive effect has been achieved in the foreign policy of the country since it has gained the status of permanent Neutrality. We have established and are systematically developing constructive relationships with the countries of the world, both on bilateral basis and within the auspices of international organizations.

Peace, stability and unity are primordial principles of our people, who have always defended with dignity the priority of friendly relations. My goal is to contribute to the development and improvement of these relations.

Our neutral state is always ready to provide assistance and support in difficult situations to all those in need. Friendly diplomatic relations with many countries of the world are an eloquent testimony to the fact. In the future, these issues will also be reflected in our foreign policy.

The historical roots of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, national spiritual and moral values, universal and humane principles have its rich and wise philosophy. Based on it, we will continue the policy of neutrality, consolidating the international community's efforts for peace and sustainable development.

At the moment, one of the important issues is rural development. We set out to create the necessary infrastructure to ensure the highest standard of living in rural areas.

Caring for rural population, including young families, improving their social and living conditions, caring for mothers and children, assisting war veterans, families who lost their breadwinners, and people in need will continue to be the focus of our attention.

Directions and experiences of the wise elders have always served as moral basis for the Turkmen people. Their advice and suggestions will always be taken into account.

In the era of power and happiness as a result of radical reforms, the country's agriculture has reached a new frontier of development. To ensure rich harvests of crops, the most favorable conditions for highly productive labor have been created for the farmers.

As a result of introduction of new forms of production and economic relations, agricultural producers are provided with economic benefits, and the work of innovative tenants and landlords is highly valued.

Economic relations between the state and farmers are based on clear, coherent and mutually beneficial basis. This makes it possible to protect the interests of both farmers and the state, and gives a powerful impetus to the development of the agricultural sector in Turkmenistan.

This economic area has huge and multiple impacts on the economy and social relations. Therefore, development of rural areas and agricultural production, food security, industrial processing of agricultural products, as well as private sector development, including the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, is a strategic objective of social and economic development of the country.

Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan, established in accordance with the Law “On Political Parties” directs its activities to the development of agriculture in our country.

Work is underway to improve the daily life of the rural population. Assistance is given in improving the effectiveness of research-based work on the introduction of new high-yielding varieties of crops, taking into account soil and climatic conditions of our country.

We are also successfully implementing the National Program for Rural Development.

Getting high yields of cotton, wheat, rice, sugar beet and other crops, creation of new high-yielding varieties that are resistant to adverse conditions - frost, drought, salinity, disease, agricultural pests, weeds, conduction of relevant deeper research, including compiling the routing of growing crops – these are the most important tasks of the day.

It is necessary to continue the work on creation of different varieties of cotton and other crops, steadily increasing acreage, reducing manual labor in cotton production, by collecting the main part of the harvest with the help of modern technology.

We need to create specialized farms in villages in order to intensify the production of horticultural products, vegetables and melons.

We will assist farmers' associations and landowners in establishing their own tractor fleet through provision of concessional loans.

We shall make all efforts for further development of the Turkmen equestrian sport and to bring it to an international level, raising the prestige of our “heavenly” horses and maintaining the purity of the Akhal-Teke breed - a national wealth and source of pride of the Turkmen people.

In all periods of five thousand years of glorious history, Turkmen people have had great respect for the water. There still are guidelines of our grandparents about caring for water and its rational use. In the years of independence, issues related to water being a source of prosperity and well-being of the people, it’s prudent use, water supply of the population, have been brought to the level of state policy aimed at improving living standards and strengthening the nation's health.

We will ensure the construction of small enterprises for production of clean drinking water, waste water treatment plants in every town and etrap according to modern requirements for formation of water supply system, cleaning and improving water quality to supply clean drinking water to settlements in all parts of the country.

Turkmen Lake “Altyn Asyr”, designed to turn the Karakum desert into a blooming oasis, dramatically increases water reserves in the country, to prevent salinization and waterlogging of land, creating a reliable guarantee for a more efficient use of water resources and strengthening of food security of independent neutral Turkmenistan.

We shall give great importance to the solution of the most important issues in this area, which is one of the key factors of sustainable development, environmental protection, water management, creating an abundance of food in the country, and supply of domestically produced goods to the population. Rationally using every drop of water and cultivating rich harvests on fertile Turkmen land, we shall continue the necessary work to ensure future prosperity of the country, happy and prosperous life of its people.

The most important task is to accelerate the industrial development of the provinces, reaching significant improvement of social and living conditions of the population. In the era of power and happiness, complex measures within the frames of successful implementation of the “National Program of Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2011-2030” will be taken, with emphasis on highly efficient use of the productive forces of the country's regions and their favorable geographical location, diversification of industry, creation of new employment opportunities.

In an era when modern history of the country is being written, in the name of prosperity of our Motherland and its people, every citizen is required to apply great efforts for political, economic and cultural progress of the country, enhancement of its prestige and fame on the international arena.

That's why we all need with huge responsibility to approach the issue of choice of the head of the state. We should follow the age-old tradition of national democracy, hold elections at a high organizational level, to ensure high voter turnout and thus choose the most worthy candidate.

I assure voters that I shall apply all my strength, knowledge and experience, work hard together with cohesive, hard-working people to turn our sovereign state into a prosperous country, to provide its people a happy and prosperous life, conditions for free life and creative work, more effective use of economic potential of the state.

I wish you good health, long life, happiness, joy and great success in your work!

On this occasion, with all my heart I congratulate the distinguished President of Turkmenistan, other candidates and Turkmen people on the New 2017th Year - the Year of health and inspiration. May the New Year be one of the most successful, prosperous and abundant years!



The biography of Orazov Durdygylych


Born on January 3, 1956 in Dayhan Gengeshlik of Sakarchage etrap of Mary welayat.

In 1978 graduated from the Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli, majoring as a teacher of mathematics.

In 1978-1996 worked as a mathematics teacher, then - deputy director for educational work of secondary school №4 in Sakarchage etrap of Mary welayat.

In 1996-2000 - head of the animal farm for small cattle, tenant cattle farmer of “Dayhan” union in Sakarchage etrap of Mary welayat.

In 2000-2014 worked as chairman of “Dayhan” farmers association in Sakarchage etrap of Mary welayat.

Since December 2014 – Chairman of Mary Welayat Committee, Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan.

Married, has seven children.

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