On March 31, 2021, the Central Commission for Holding Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan has held a meeting. The agenda of the meeting included summarizing, approving, and announcing the results based on the reports of the heads of the election commissions of the velayat, Ashgabat city related to the election of members of the Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, which was held for the first time on March 28, 2021.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission briefed the participants on the work carried out for this important socio-political event, and at a recent digital meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, our esteemed President had instructed to express his gratitude to all those involved in the preparation of the election on behalf of the Cabinet of Ministers. In this regard, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission thanked and wished success in the work to all those who vigorously participated in the organization of the elections and all the staff of the Central Commission for Holding Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan.
During the meeting, the results based on the reports of the heads of the election commissions of the velayat, Ashgabat city has been heard with great attention.
The final results of the elections have been summed up under the final data of the heads of the election commissions of the velayat, Ashgabat city. Thus, out of the 112 registered candidates, 8 from each velayat and Ashgabat city, and a total of 48 from Turkmenistan were elected to the Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.
Under the Constitution of Turkmenistan, 8 members of the Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan are appointed by the President of Turkmenistan.
For the first time in our country, members of the velayat and Ashgabat city halk maslahaty took an active part in the electoral process based on indirect suffrage. Thus, there was a total of 98.7% participation across the country.
It was noted that all pre-election activities were carried out promptly under the requirements of the current national legislation and generally accepted international norms.
440 national observers supervised all the rounds of election-related events. Representatives of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan, the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan, the Trade Unions of Turkmenistan, the Women's Union of Turkmenistan, and the central offices of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly have been heard with great attention on results of the election observation. According to reports, national observers have emphasized that the election was held at a high organizational level and without any irregularities.
The creation of a bicameral structure of the national parliament will open up new opportunities to serve in the interests of strengthening democratic structures and the well-being of our people. This in itself reflects the triumph of the humanistic slogan «State for the People!».
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