07 May

Night of Decree

Special emphasis is placed on the centuries-old noble principles of our people inherited from our brave ancestors who nourished the human soul with purity and honesty.

As our esteemed President noted, the main features of the national character of our people are to be generous, to have a clear conscience, to live honestly and cleanly. These national characteristics of our people become more apparent during the month of Ramadan – nourished by moral purity and humanity. Our people have been paying special attention to the holy month of Ramadan as a celebration of moral purity and humanity since ancient times.

Our wise poet Magtymguly Pyragy in his poem «Good month» said: «Twenty-four hours in twelve months, they say Ramadan is a good month» as expressing his respect for the holy month.

In literature spring is called as «sultan of seasons». This means that the sultan – advancing for about 10 days every year according to the milady calendar, this year it also corresponded at the sultan of seasons.

Just like now... With the squeaky sounds of our little ones scattering from their tongues by saying: «We found you rich», «Yaremezan» sayings do not go unnoticed.

Our people consider the month of Ramadan as a month of generosity, contentment, honesty, and good manners. This is because the spiritual upbringing of the month of Ramadan is very important for humankind.

Devotion is performed, and iftar offerings are made on the blessed days of the holy month of Ramadan. Qadr Night is also celebrated with the rich national principles of the Turkmen people. The night of the twenty-sixth to the twenty-seventh day of the month of Ramadan is considered by Muslims a particularly good, arduous night for those who fast. Because tonight, as mentioned in the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad – the earthly representative of the Almighty: «The Night of Decree — is the night when the prayer of the fasting people is accepted». Tonight the verses of the Quran began to descend on our Prophet. Therefore, the reward of spending this night in devotion is considered very great.

Our national dishes, such as chapadi and pishme is shared among Turkmen hearths, having food and drink, giving pitre, and charity giving out livestock for the sake of health during the month of Ramadan. Our Prophet Muhammad said about charity and namaz in his hadiths following: «Namaz will darken the face of the devil, and giving alms will break the waist».

Cooking all kinds of delicious food on Qadr night and sharing it with neighbors is also one of the noble and humane traditions of the Turkmen people and a symbol of unity.

May the unity, well-being, the stability of our dear Homeland, good wishes for the prosperity of all the attitudes of our Hero Arkadag and the miracle of good hopes be accepted in the presence of the Almighty on the generous Qadr night of the holy month of Ramadan! Dear compatriots congratulations on your fasting and may your charities be accepted!

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