14 June

Velayat, Ashgabat city election commissions are being re-formed

In our independent, eternally Neutral Turkmenistan, the nation-wide, large-scale work carried out under the wise leadership of our esteemed President is flourishing in a period of prosperity of our Sovereign State.

Particular attention is paid to the improvement and organization of the electoral system, based on the wise advice of our President to hold elections in an organized and democratic manner.

Election commissions operating in our country have an important role in the organization of elections and in ensuring the legitimacy of guarantees of citizens' suffrage.

Due to the expiration of the five-year term of the velayat, Ashgabat city election commissions, which were established in June 2016, the reconstruction of these election commissions is carried out on the basis of an approved plan and in accordance with the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan.

Velayat, Ashgabat city election commissions are formed by the Central election commission in the composition of 9-13 members. It is worth to noting that the election campaign in our country is based on the principles of political diversity, that is, multi-party politics.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, representatives of the provincial and Ashgabat city election committees are represented at meetings of political parties, public associations of velayats, etraps, and cities organizations, as well as at assemblies of groups of.

An unlimited number of nominees for election commissions can be discussed at meetings. At each meeting only one representative can be nominated to the composition of the velayat, Ashgabat city election commission.

The nominees are people who understand the state policy and the electoral legislation leading by esteemed President are organized, experienced, have a high reputation among the people of different ages, work in different sectors of the country and are members of the election commission. This stipulates that elections will be held in a more modern day in a modern democratized Turkmen society.

According to the results of the presentations and meetings, these election commissions will hold their first meetings, elect the chairman, the deputy chairman and the secretary, and hand over their credentials to the members of their new composition.

In accordance with the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, information on the new composition of election commissions will be made public.

The powers, rights and procedure for organizing the work, ensuring the working conditions of the velayat, Ashgabat city election commissions are determined and guaranteed by special articles of the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan.

Organizing elections in our country in accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, international norms, transparency and democratic principles and competitiveness is an important task facing election commissions. In this regard, the new composition of the velayat and Ashgabat city election commissions will also actively participate in various types of elections to be held in our country on democratic grounds over the next five years.

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