Under the wise leadership of our esteemed President in our ever-growing peaceful country, national welfare measures are being taken on a regular basis to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens.
Among those activities in the year of "Turkmenistan is the Motherland of peace and trust" in July of the 30th anniversary of the glorious celebration of our holy Independence, the newly formed election commissions of etraps, cities related with the works done can also be cited as an example.
More specifically, established in 2016, due to the expiration of the five-year term of the etrap and city election commissions, reconstruction of these election commissions in accordance with the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, on the basis of an approved plan and organized by the velayat and Ashgabat city election commissions within the stipulated time.
In accordance with article 18 of the Electoral code of Turkmenistan, the nomination of representatives to the etrap, city election commissions is carried out by political parties, public associations at meetings of velayat, etrap, and city councils, also it was organized in meetings of groups of citizens.
Also, it is also noteworthy that to the composition of city election commissions were nominated the laborers at different ages and levels of education, in different sectors of our national economy.
Total of 662 meetings were held, on nomination of representatives to the constituencies of etrap and city election commissions across the country, these measures were carried out in a transparent and democratic manner.
When we look at the results of the meetings:
193 from the Democratic party of Turkmenistan;
17 from the party of Industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan;
48 from the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan;
161 Trade unions of Turkmenistan;
87 from the Youth organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly;
79 from the Women's union of Turkmenistan;
It can be seen that 77 representatives from the groups of citizens were nominated.
In accordance with the minutes of the meetings held on the nomination of a representative, etrap and city election commissions held their first meetings, and on it they elected the chairman, the deputy chairman, and the secretary of the group.
In accordance with article 32 of the Electoral code of Turkmenistan, etrap, city election commissions by the relevant velayat, Ashgabat city election commission is composed of 11–15 members.
Thus, the total number of members of 60 etrap and city election commissions in the country has reached 662 and they have been issued with the appropriate certificates.
The Ahal velayat are 8 etrap and city election commissions, which has 88 members;
The Balkan velayat are 13 etrap and city election commissions, which has 143 members;
The Dashoguz velayat are 11 etrap and city election commissions, which has 121 members;
The Lebap velayat are 11 etrap and city election commissions, which has 123 members;
The Mary velayat are 13 etrap and city election commissions, which has 143 members;
The Ashgabat city are 4 etrap election commissions and was equal to their number of members to 44.
32,33% of the members of the district and city election commissions in the country are women. They are 65,86% higher in education, 24,92% special secondary education, 9,22% secondary education. It should also be noted that 70,70% of the members are between the ages of 30 and 50, which means that the younger generation is also actively involved in the socio-political life of the country.
In accordance with the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, the new composition of the etrap and city election commissions will actively participate in various types of elections to be held in our country over the next five years within the framework of its term of office.
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