30 Nov

Summit in our Capital of Organization of Economic Cooperation

The 15th Summit of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which was held in Ashgabat on November 28th this year under the chairmanship of  our esteemed President  was of great international significance. The event was widely reported in the world media. According to the ECO Charter, meetings of the Heads of state of its member states are held every two years. According it, each of its member states shall hold the office of the head of the organization for a term of two years. 

The high-level historic summit was attended by heads of state and government of the member states of the Organization - Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan, as well as the Secretary-General of the OSCE. 

Since 1992, our state has been a member of the OSCE, making a significant contribution to strengthening multilateral mutually beneficial cooperation and successfully pursuing bilateral friendly and good-neighborly relations with the member states of the organization. Speaking at the Summit the national Leader outlined the priorities of cooperation that our country has under the auspices of this organization. He noted that the turkmen side considered the holding of the forum as an important event aimed at strengthening the relations between the participating countries in the economic, trade, investment, cultural and humanitarian spheres. 

As our esteemed President emphasized, Turkmenistan is always open to its friends and partners by pursuing a foreign policy orientation based on the principles of peace-loving and positive Neutrality. In modern times, our state is committed to the traditional relations at the regional level, maintains long-standing good and close relations with all member states of the ECO. 

At present, significant opportunities have been created for the expansion of socio-economic cooperation of the member states of the Organization and the expansion of fruitful interactions. 

Speaking at the international forum, the heads of state and government, as well as the General secretary of the OSCE, noted that the summit was an effective platform for positive decision-making. 

Thus, the 15th Summit of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) held at the "Garagum" hotel, a multifaceted business center in the capital, was a clear evidence of Turkmenistan's active participation in the organization's work and its positive contribution to the strengthening of friendly relations.

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