On the morning of March 11, 2022, Gulmyrat Muradov, head of the Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan, met with representatives of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and with the Commonwealth of Independent States, more specifically, met with representatives of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, Republics of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.
Also, in the afternoon, met with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and with representatives of the Central Election Commission of Republics of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan.
The head of the Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan said that he was pleased to see representatives of the above-mentioned friendly states and international organizations as international observers in Turkmenistan, informed them about conduct and preparation works on elections on March 12, 2022 as well as introduced the provisions of the electoral law.
At the end of the meeting representatives wished the head of the Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan organized holding of the important political and public event on March 12.
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