In the administrative center of Dashoguz velayat in the State drama theatre named N.Andalib with the broad participation of the region public, elders, employees of institutions and companies, representatives of the media and young people there was a meeting with Maksat Annanepesov, the candidate for the post of the Head of the State - deputy chairman of the State Association of food industry .
In the speech of the candidate’s trustee the biography was presented, was given the characteristic of worthy personal, business and professional qualities of M. Annanepesov , who began his career from the post of agronomist to the deputy head of one of the leading sectors of the national economy.
M.Annanepesov told voters about the main points of his election program, stressing that he intended to continue the ongoing work in the country for the implementation of natural and economic capacity. As the candidate for the highest post he noted, the agricultural structures industry demanded to improve, increasing food production volumes, increased crop yields and animal breeding productivity.
He stressed the importance of providing the population with clean drinking water, creation of equal opportunities for the citizens and residents of the village to further improve the social conditions of life.
The candidate responded to questions of voters. The meeting focused on current issues of public life, the implementation of the decisions taken by the Council of Elders, improving the competitiveness of domestic producers.
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