16 Jan

President of Turkmenistan met with voters of Balkan velayat

During his working visit to Balkan velayat, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov met with the construction workers of the carbamide plant in Garabogaz, gas and chemical complex in Kiyanly, International Sea Port in the city of Turkmenbashy. The participants of the meetings on the construction sites of these facilities had an opportunity to directly ask questions to the candidate for the highest office in the scheduled February 12 elections.

President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov presented the main points of his election platform and answered the questions of the staff members. They concerned the economic outlook, the development of social and cultural facilities of Garabogaz city, a new point of industrial growth of Balkan velayat - Kiyanly village, further changes in the coastal region, where today unprecedented projects on improvement of housing and living conditions in the region are implemented and prospects for young professionals coming here to work from all parts of the country. And many of them want to settle here for good. There were also questions about where in the nearest future large industrial and manufacturing clusters will be created and city-forming projects implemented.

Replying to questions, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov said that recently constructed and built industrial enterprises in the country offer decent working conditions and wages, which helps bring human resources to technological field, to increase innovation and economic potential of the regions.

Saying that the new industrial centers will be created in all regions, the President drew special attention of the audience to the importance of forming a new generation of workers and specialists with the most modern technology and innovative thinking.

The President also spoke about other matters outlined in his election program, noting that special attention is paid to the social security of citizens, creating conditions for youth to acquire quality education, housing and solution of social issues of each family, mother and child health.

Our main goal is flourishing of Turkmenistan, implementation of measures to ensure a peaceful and prosperous life of the people, President said. In accordance with the new trends of industrial development of our country a number of new large-scale enterprises for complex processing of various raw materials were put into operation, which contributes to the creation of strong foundation for economic growth, ensuring an abundance of goods in the consumer market, increase of employment and potential growth of export.

At the meetings, which took place in an informal and warm atmosphere, participants also discussed the priorities of industrial strategy, environmental policy and international cooperation of Turkmenistan.

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