19 Apr

CIS observers mission praises of the elections of the President of Turkmenistan

As you know, elections of the President of Turkmenistan were held in our country on March 12, 2022. On the election preparation and voting days the international community has focused on Turkmenistan. 

To observe the election of the President of Turkmenistan on the basis of democratic principles, from the Commonwealth of Independent States, from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, from the Organization of Turkic States, Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran were participated international observer missions. Among them the observers mission of the Commonwealth of Independent States, led by the first Deputy Chairman of the Executive committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States - the Executive secretary L. Anfimov, who came to observe the Presidential elections in Turkmenistan also praised the Presidential elections in our country. 

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) observers said in a statement on its website that the results of the March 12 Presidential elections in Turkmenistan were as follows: ta

At the invitation of apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan, the Commonwealth of Independent States observers have been observing the progress and conduct of preparations for the Presidential elections in Turkmenistan since February 28, 2022. 

The group of observers carried out its work freely and independently on the basis of the rules adopted within the Commonwealth, and in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan, without interfering in the conduct of elections or in the internal affairs of the state. 

As observers from the Commonwealth of Independent States, including the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as 40 representative observers from the CIS Executive committee were attended. 

Among the observers were deputies, representatives of the national parliaments, heads and members of the central election commission of the Commonwealth of Independent States and also representatives of foreign embassies in Turkmenistan. 

Observers noted that Turkmenistan adhered to generally accepted democratic norms, and the elections were held on an organized, competitive basis in a transparent manner. 

This is confirmed by a statement from the Commonwealth of Independent States observer group on the results of the preparation and holding of the Presidential elections in Turkmenistan. 

The statement of the Commonwealth of Independent States observers group observing the elections of the President of Turkmenistan concludes with the following findings: 

"According to the elections held on March 12, 2022 the observers group of the Commonwealth of Independent States concludes: 

Elections were held in accordance with the Constitution and the Electoral code of Turkmenistan; 

Elections were held in an open and transparent manner and at a high organizational level on the basis of broad competition; 

Complies with the generally accepted norms of international law in the field of democratic elections." 

CIS observers express their gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan and the Central election commission for their invitation for participation in the important socio-political event of state life and for all the necessary conditions for the international observing of elections.

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