Under the wise leadership of our esteemed President Turkmenistan - a place of friendship, brotherhood and peace, together with other Caspian littoral states is actively involved in the implementation of regional and global projects. A new legal framework is being created for the further intensification of the Caspian Sea, which has a special place in the foreign policy of independent, permanently Neutral Turkmenistan. The VI Summit of the Heads of the Caspian littoral states will be held in Ashgabat on June 29 under the chairmanship of our esteemed President will also be another important step in this direction.
As our esteemed President emphasized, Turkmenistan will continue to provide comprehensive support to the fraternal and good-neighbourly relations between the countries and to the strengthening of the peace, friendship and cooperation of Caspian Sea.
By the way, it is pleasant to note that the I summit of the Heads of the Caspian littoral states was held in 2002 in the capital of our dear Motherland 20 years ago. This confirms that the strengthening of relations in the sea of friendship began in Ashgabat. Subsequently, the main issues discussed at the summits of the Heads of the Caspian "five" were related to the legal situation in the Caspian Sea.
It is noteworthy that Turkmenistan has made great efforts to determine the international legal status of the Caspian Sea by hand-to-hand with the Caspian littoral states, and as a result has made a significant contribution to the adoption of this document at the V Summit in Aktau in 2018. The adoption of the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea at the summit paved the way for new opportunities for development of cooperation between the countries of the regions.
Also, the first Caspian economic forum, which was successfully held on August 12, 2019 at the initiative of our Hero Arkadag, laid the foundation for a new platform in the economic integration of the region, which is located on the border between Asia and Europe.
The total length of the world's largest lake - the Caspian Sea coast, called Girkan by ancient scientists is 6,700 kilometers, that’s about it the 1,200 km are in Turkmenistan, 2,320 km in Kazakhstan, 955 km in Azerbaijan, 724 km in Iran, and 695 km in Russia.
Thus, the Caspian Sea is a sea of maritime relations, economic development in trade flotilla. The Caspian Sea is a sea of transit routes. That is why the consistent development of Caspian Sea relations is one of the priorities in our country, the VI summit of the Heads of the Caspian littoral states is an important event for the future and for the benefit of the whole region.
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