Under the wise leadership of our esteemed President the year of "the Era of the People with Arkadag" will leaves an indelible mark of the Powerful period of new era of the Sovereign state. In the year of celebrating the 31st anniversary of our Holy Independence, the great works, the high achievements, the remarkable achievements, revealing the creative spirit of our powerful era, create a feeling of infinite pride in the hearts of each of our compatriots.
As you know, recently, the President of Turkmenistan held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers through digital channels. There our esteemed President noted that the cotton harvest, which is a very important and responsible season in agriculture, has arrived. During the meeting, the deputy premier of the Cabinet of Ministers, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, addressed the Leader of our state with a request to give him a blessing, setting the date for the start of cotton harvesting in the presence of respected elders in the country.
Our esteemed President said "Blessings to your harvest, brave cotton farmers!" and wished to the brave cotton farmers and all agricultural workers good health, family well-being, and great success in their work for the further prosperity of the strong Motherland, and blessed the beginning of cotton harvesting in the velayats of the country. Also, the Leader of our state asked the honored elders to start the gathering of harvest with "Bismillah".
With the blessing of our esteemed President, on September 7 of this year, in Ahal, Balkan, Lebap and Mary velayats, "white caravan" ceremonies were organized to start the cotton harvest with the participation of honored elders. In Dashoguz velayat, the "white caravan" ceremony for cotton harvesting will be held on September 14, with the participation of honored elders of the country.
As a result of the tireless efforts of our esteemed President the technical re-equipment of all production facilities of the agro-industrial complex, adequate supply of high-quality seeds, mineral fertilizers, and irrigation water to rural workers, regular purchase of modern tractors, combine harvesters and other equipment and making them available is also a sign of concern about the landowners.
Turkmen farmers, inspired by their concern for themselves, instill their passion in the soil and produce a rich harvest of wheat, cotton and other agricultural crops. In this context, in the remarkable year of the 31st anniversary of our holy Independence, the cotton farmers of our sunny Land, cultivating this valuable crop on 580 thousand hectares across the country, and they aim to produce 1 million 250 thousand tons of "white gold".
"Blessings to your harvest, cotton farmers!"
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