Under the reasonable leadership of our esteemed President the year of "the Era of the People with Arkadag" was one of the most eventful years. This year was glorified as the year of the beginning of a new date - the Powerful period of new era of the Sovereign state. One of such historical events was the 23rd meeting held on September 15 in the "Mekan" palace in Ashgabat under the chairmanship of the President of the World turkmens’ humanitarian association, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh, the Honorable Elder - Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
The work of the World turkmens’ humanitarian association, established at the end of the last century, more precisely on May 1991, is closely related to the new history of the Independent Motherland. Thus, since its establishment, 22 meetings of the World turkmens’ humanitarian association have been held. Currently, there are 27 branches of the World turkmens’ humanitarian association in the 14 foreign countries. The number of foreign personal members of the union has reached 345, and they are doing positive work in various fields.
Representatives of turkmens living in different countries of the world, foreign members of the association, as well as representatives of the association from different parts of the country took part in the forum which was held on the eve of the 31st anniversary of our Independence.
In the message of our esteemed President to forum participants: "The global prestige of our dear Motherland, the unity and stability of our people, our statehood and prosperity are inextricably linked with the achievements of our sacred Independence. Our democratic, legal and secular state was formed in the not-so-distant period of history, friendly-fraternal and good-neighborly relations were established with the world community." as he marked, it is clear that this association is of particular importance in increasing the international reputation of our country.
During the conference, which gathered together the turkmen people who always miss their Motherland in different parts of the world, spoke our Hero Arkadag – despite the passage of thousands of years, wherever they lived, the turkmens were able to preserve their traditions, customs, folk art works in their original state. He emphasized that this shows that we are a nation that has great respect for our national language, national feelings and national traditions.
Also, representatives from the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Arab Emirates, and Afghanistan spoke enthusiastically about the work of the World turkmens’ humanitarian association abroad. In addition, the editor-in-chief of the "Turkmen dunyasi" newspaper emphasized that paternal concern is being paid to our compatriots living abroad, and information is being created at the international level in this area.
According to the decision of the President of the World turkmens’ humanitarian association, there was a ceremony of awarding the members of the organization, including several representatives of the turkmens’ living abroad, with the symbol of " Ynsanperwerligiň sarpasy", together, within the framework of a lively and organized forum.
The participants of the historic forum, which was held in the spirit of celebration, expressed their sincere gratitude to our Hero Arkadag, to our esteemed President for constantly paying attention to the work of the turkmens’ living abroad.
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