23 Nov

A new page in friendly relations between Turkmenistan and UAE

As we know, on November 21-22, 2022 our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made an official visit to the friendly country of the United Arab Emirates.

Good relations between Turkmenistan and the UAE which are gaining international prestige are being dynamically developed bilaterally and multilaterally within the framework of prestigious regional and international organizations. This cooperation has been brought to a qualitatively new level and enriched in recent years. 

During the visit our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov met with the President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. During the meeting our esteemed President said that this was his first visit to the United Arab Emirates as the President of Turkmenistan. He noted with satisfaction that relations between Turkmenistan and the United Arab Emirates are developing steadily and dynamically. 

Also, our state Leader held the meetings with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Governor of Dubai Emirate of the United Arab Emirates and Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs of the UAE. On the second day of his official visit to the United Arab Emirates, our esteemed President took part in the opening ceremony of the "Turkmenistan-UAE" business conference. As you know, one of the priorities of the foreign policy strategy of Independent and eternally Neutral Turkmenistan is to activate relations with the countries of the near East, first of all, the United Arab Emirates, which is a prestigious and economically developed country in the arab world. 

In addition, our esteemed President laid a wreath at the "Wahat Al Karama" memorial complex built in honor of those who died for the Motherland and remembered the national heroes of the United Arab Emirates. Also our esteemed President visited Sheikh Zayed mosque, where he prayed for Sheikh Zayed, the founder and first President of the United Arab Emirates with the head of the administration center of the mosque. 

By the way, offiçially opened in 2007, the Sheikh Zayed mosque is considered one of the six largest mosques in the world. The interior of the mosque is decorated with the world's largest hand-woven carpet with an area of ​​5627 square meters, weighing 47 tons, and huge chandeliers with a diameter of 10 meters and a height of 15 meters. 

The mosque can accommodate a total of 40,000 people at a time. The main prayer hall intended for 7 thousand people.  Adjacent to it are two smaller halls, each of them intended for 1,500 people, both of which are for women only. 

During the historic visit, the high-level talks, the agreements reached during the bilateral meetings and the documents signed on their results, as well as the agreements reached during the "Turkmenistan-UAE" business conference, were held to further develop the traditional intergovernmental relations testifies to the new impetus. 

The current visit of our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the United Arab Emirates and the high-level talks opened a new, important page in the history of intergovernmental dialogue.

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