Under the wise leadership of the President, in the Era of Revival of the Epoch of Powerful State, long-term goals are being successfully implemented aimed at improving the living standards of our people and leading our country to the path of further great development.
With the successful implementation of the life-oriented policy carried out by our hero during the leadership of our country, stable economic development was achieved and the standard of living of our people increased. The population is constantly increasing as a result of the opportunities created by the government for each family.
In this regard, in October 2017, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution "On conducting the final census of the population and housing stock of Turkmenistan in 2022". According to the document, the calendar of activities was approved and the ministries and departments responsible for preparing and conducting the census were identified.
«Census 2022 - Unity, Happiness, Bright Future!» from December 17 to 27 in "The era of the people with Arkadag". Under the motto the census of the population and housing stock is being conducted across the country. One of the main features of this event is the use of digital technologies. Because in today's era of census data collection, electronic transmission using modern tablets allows to replace the written paper.
In the course of preparing for the census, work was carried out on the development of methodological data. Also, in accordance with UN recommendations, writing papers were developed and prepared. They include more than 70 questions, including demographics, economic characteristics, and household and housing characteristics.
The current census will be held in diplomatic missions and consular offices of Turkmenistan abroad.
Turkmenistan effectively cooperates with the United Nations and its specialized agencies, including the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the UN Statistical Office and other related bodies.
The United Nations recommends conducting a census at least once every ten years. It is not arbitrary to determine such an average limit. Because in ten years there is a change in the life of every person and in terms of population change of countries. This has an impact on the establishment of social and economic activities in the country.
As far as we know, this year's population census is the third census since our Motherland gained independence. Prior to this, censuses were organized in 1995 and 2012. The information received during the census will be studied and analyzed by the State Committee of Turkmenistan on Statistics.
As is known, the main purpose of the population and housing census of Turkmenistan is to collect specific information on the demographic composition of the population and the socio-economic situation of the citizens of the country. This will allow us to collect reliable information about the lifestyle of our population and plan programs for the future development of our country. In particular, it is important to ensure a happy life for our people and take confident steps into the future.
May the souls of our esteemed President, our Arkadagly Serdar, our Gahryman Arkadag, who make tireless efforts for a peaceful, peaceful life of our people, rest in peace!
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