25 Feb

Registration of candidates is ongoing

On the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state our esteemed President pays special attention and support to the election system. In this regard our esteemed President wisely noted: "We will improve the political and legal foundations of Turkmen state, national society, deepen national democracy, develop civil society, increase the political activity of the people, and develop measures to promote the work of the election system and expand the world experience in this field." 

In the new historical period of the Turkmen society, which has entered a qualitatively new stage of its development, elections which will be held on March 26, 2023 become a socio-political event that will once again reveal to the world the level of political activity of our citizens. The current activities on nomination and registration of candidates are full proof that this will indeed be the case. 

Currently, in accordance with the article 48 of Election code of Turkmenistan, candidates for deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of velayat, Ashgabat city and etrap, city halk maslahaty, as well as members of Gengesh are registered. 

Registration begins fifty days before the elections and ends twenty-five days before the elections. 

The decision to register the candidates is made when there are minutes of meetings, meetings on the nomination of candidates and applications of candidates' consent to vote, and registered candidates are solemnly handed over an identity card of the prescribed format. 

Election commissions of the relevant district, velayat, Ashgabat city, etrap, city, city in etrap, township, and gengeshlik draw up a protocol on the registration of candidates. This protocol is kept together with the consent applications of the candidates in the relevant election commission. 

The election commission is obliged to register all nominated candidates in full compliance with the requirements of the Election code of Turkmenistan. 

Each candidate can be registered in only one of the constituencies. 

If candidates are members of any election group, they are considered to have been removed from the group from the moment of their registration. The same applies to national observers.

The relevant election commission informs the public about the registration of candidates. 

The elections of deputies of Mejlis, which is the representative body exercising legislative power in our country, members of halk maslatas of velayat, city and etrap with velayat rights, city with etrap rights, which are local representative bodies of state power, and members of Gengeshes which are local self-government bodies will be a new step in the path of democratic reforms took place in our country initiated by the National Leader of the turkmen people, the Chairman of Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, our Hero Arkadag, and implemented under the leadership of our esteemed President. The successful implementation of these initiatives are a sign that the fundamental foundations for the implementation of deep reforms in modern turkmen society will be provided in our country which is confidently moving towards new levels of development.

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