14 Mar

Representatives of the CIS observers team are on a business trip to the velayats of our country.

At the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state, in the turkmen society which has entered to a qualitatively new stage of its development, the Commonwealth of Independent States, which has come for a long term to observe the elections which will be held on March 26, 2023 is currently working on the formation of an international observer group that will come to observe the elections. It is planned to include representatives of the Central Election Commissions of the CIS member states, the Parliaments of the Commonwealth of nations, the Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS member states, the Executive committee of the CIS, representatives of diplomatic missions. According to a recent announcement by the group, all stages of the election season are being conducted in full compliance with the election law. 

These days, the representatives of group are making a working visit to the velayats of our country in order to observe the organized preparation for the important political and social event which will be held on March 26. They were already in Dashoguz velayat and had talk with the members of the district election commission about ongoing works related to the elections of deputies of Mejlis in the district election commissions. Also, they visited a number of election precincts established in Dashoguz city and Koneurgench etrap. In general, the representatives of group highly appreciated the level of preparation of members of the precinct election commissions and the equipment of the polling stations. 

In addition, within the framework of the cultural program prepared for international observers, they visited the history and country studies museum of Dashoguz velayat. Also, they had a close look at numerous historical monuments included in the UNESCO World heritage list, located in the "Koneurgench" state historical cultural reserve located in Koneurgench etrap.

13 Sept
Geljegi nazarlaýan Türkmen — Owgan goňşuçylyk gatnaşyklarynda täze sahypa

Mälim boşy ýaly, 2024-nji ýylyň 10-11-nji sentýabrynda Türkmen halkynyň Milli Lideri, Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygy Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow Mary welaýatyna iş saparyny amala aşyrdy. Ol ýe...

04 Sept
Saýlaw ulgamynda halkara hyzmatdaşlygy

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29 Aug
Türkmen — Eýran döwletara gatnaşyklarynyň täze sahypalary

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10 July
Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň möhletinden öň çykyp giden deputatlarynyň saýlaw okruglarynda 2024-nji ýylyň 7-nji iýulynda geçirilen saýlawlarda saýlanylan deputatlar barada maglumat

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09 July
Türkmenistanda Saýlawlary we sala salşyklary geçirmek boýunça merkezi toparyň mejlisi geçirildi

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07 July
The voting for the elections has ended

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 19 o'clock, there were voted 91,32% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 91,84%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...

07 July
Voting continues

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 17 o'clock, there were voted 85,55% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 85,91%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...

07 July
Voting continues

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 15 o'clock, there were voted 76,11% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 74,72%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...