30 Mar

A meeting of the apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan was held.

On March 29, 2023, a meeting of the apparatus of the Commission for holding Elections and referendums in Turkmenistan was held. On the agenda of mejlis, on the basis of the reports of the leaders of the election commissions of the velayats of our country, Ashgabat city, issues related to summarizing, confirming and announcing the results of the elections of deputies of the seventh convocation of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of the fifth convocation of velayat, etrap and city halk maslahats, and members of the ninth convocation of Gengeshes held in our country on March 26 of this year were included. 

As stated in the mejlis, this time elections were held in conditions of competition, openness and transparency, in the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state, was a clear proof of the democratic reforms initiated by the National Leader of the turkmen people, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, our Hero Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and carried out under the leadership of our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. 

All pre-election activities were carried out in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of the applicable national legislation and generally recognized international norms. Voting was held in 2644 polling stations within the constituencies. Voting of citizens of Turkmenistan abroad was also organized. 42 polling stations were opened near the diplomatic missions and consulates of Turkmenistan in foreign countries, and thousands of our compatriots who are currently outside the territory of our country cast their votes in them. As before the elections, voter turnout was the main feature of the political-social event during the elections’ period. In this regard, 3 million 185 thousand 935 of the 3 million 496 thousand 368 voters included in the voter's list in the four types of elections held across the country cast their votes. This means that 91.12 percent of citizens who have the right to vote in Turkmenistan participated. 

During the meeting the reports of the heads of election commissions of velayats and Ashgabat city on the works carried out on summarizing the results of the elections were heard. The leaders of the election commissions of our capital and velayats, who spoke, highly appreciated the education and professional level of the elected representatives of the people, who were represented by our people. Among them are employees of government agencies, specialists in the industrial, educational, scientific, cultural and artistic sectors of the national economy and agricultural workers. Thus, 125 of the 258 candidates registered for the elections of deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan were elected to the deputies of the new convocation of Mejlis of Turkmenistan. 240 out of 515 candidates were elected to the membership of velayat and Ashgabat city halk maslahats, 960 out of 2001 candidates to etrap, city halk maslahats, 5897 out of 12098 candidates to Gengeshes. 

In accordance with the current national legislation, the lists of selected candidates will be published in the media in the coming days.

It was noted that all the activities before the elections were carried out in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of the current national legislation and generally recognized international norms. 2855 national observers appointed by Turkmenistan's political parties, public associations, citizen groups and candidates observed all stages of elections related activities. Also, a long-term representative group from the Commonwealth of Independent States, a delegation of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Bureau of democratic institutions and human rights, Organization of Turkic States, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and in addition 80 international observers appointed by diplomatic missions of international organizations in Turkmenistan and embassies of foreign countries in Turkmenistan observed the activities in all stages of the elections. 

The reports of the representatives of the central organizations of the Democratic party of Turkmenistan, party of Industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, Agrarian party of Turkmenistan, Trade unions of Turkmenistan, Women's association of Turkmenistan, Youth organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly were heard about the results of the elections monitoring. According to the reports, national observers emphasized that the elections were held at a high organizational level and without any irregularities. 

During the meeting, the chairman of the Central election commission expressed his gratitude to those who present and those who participated in the elections, including the representatives of the mass media, for the effective provision of information during the election season and for their responsible participation in the organization, and for their comprehensive support in the further strengthening of the democratic foundations of the state.

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