03 July

The Arkadag city – clear sign of the new epoch

As we know, on June 29, a remarkable historical event took place in our country which will be written with golden letters in the glorious annals of the Independent, Neutral Motherland, which confidently moves forward on the path of creativity, prosperity and development. With the participation of our esteemed President large-scale ceremonies were held on the occasion of the opening of the Arkadag city which is a clear symbol of the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state. The construction of this unique city, which has the special legal status of a city of state importance under the law is a concrete result of the huge reforms initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the Chairman of Halk Maslahaty our Hero Arkadag and currently being continued under the leadership of our esteemed President. It is special to note that the Arkadag city was built in one of the ancient corners of our Land, in the place where the glorious history of our ancestors originated. 

The implementation of this huge urban development project initiated by our Hero Arkadag is a clear proof of the success of the state policy in Turkmenistan that is life-oriented and aimed at comprehensive development of our country, increasing its economic potential, continuous improvement of the standard of living of our people. As it is known, this big project was planned to be implemented in two phases. The Arkadag city is a clear example of the success of a powerful state. The first "smart" city in our country, the construction of which was started in 2019 with the initiative and continuous support of our National Leader has acquired a very beautiful appearance today. 

The opening of the Arkadag city became the opening of a new page of history, new horizons, new opportunities. Our great progress, the lofty spirit of the new age was clearly expressed in it. On this occasion the Gorogly beg’s: "Bir toý tutuň, älem galsyn haýrana!" and Magtymguly Pyragy’s: "Ýagşylar tutmuş bina, bir şähri gördüm — şondadyr" words will be a sign of our days and will shine through the ages. 

The Arkadag city which has no equal in the region, reveals to the whole world the strength of our strong state and its enormous progress potential. A total of 336 modern facilities were built in the first phase of Arkadag city, including 11 public buildings, 25 office buildings, 19 educational institutions, 258 residential buildings, 9 health and sports buildings, 14 engineering systems buildings. In this case, thousands of our comrades had the opportunity to get new jobs and new homes. 

On that day, on the occasion of the remarkable event, on the main square of Arkadag city with the participation of many guests, enthusiastic musical performances of creative groups, as well as a festive procession were organized here. 

Later, our esteemed President took part in the ceremony organized on the occasion of the opening of Arkadag city in Ruhyyet palace. 

The chairman of the state committee for the construction of Arkadag city under the President of Turkmenistan was presented with more than 20 certificates and diplomas awarded to the unique city by the heads of international organizations and representatives of famous foreign companies. This is a clear indication that the new city is getting high recognition all over the world. 

On the occasion of the opening of Arkadag city, a holiday charity was also given. Our state Leader congratulated those who were there and said that the first phase of Arkadag city's buildings was put into use during the celebration of Gurban bayram, and sincerely congratulated everyone on the holiday. Also, a ceremony of signing a several of bilateral documents was held in Arkadag city municipality. 

Thus, the opening of Arkadag city which is the foundation of our Hero Arkadag's continuous efforts and dedication marked another bright page in the glorious history of Turkmenistan, which originated from the beginning of the millennium and is worthily continued in the era of new reforms which shows the connection of the times, the continuity of the generations, and that our dear Motherland is confidently moving forward with the chosen creative path.  

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