21 July

New ways of future viewing of interregional cooperation

As it is known, on July 18-19 of this year, our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov participated in the summit of the member states of the cooperation council of arab states of the Gulf and the Heads of states of Central Asia. 

Turkmenistan consistently implements a foreign policy based on the principles of peace-loving, positive Neutrality and "Open doors/Açyk gapylar", strives to develop equal and effective cooperation with all countries of the world, including the countries of the arab world. The traditional relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a clear example of this. 

Today, the turkmen-saudi relations, based on a solid foundation of mutual respect and trust are gaining a new meaning. In this regard, the commonality of spiritual and moral values ​​that unites two fraternal peoples, which shows their adherence to traditions formed throughout history is of great importance. One of such traditions are related to performing Hajj. In Turkmenistan all conditions have been created for our compatriots to follow centuries-old spiritual traditions and visit the sanctuaries of Islam. 

It should be noted that on June 29-30 of this year, the National Leader of the turkmen people, Chairman of Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where he performed Hajj in Mecca and made a sacrificial charity. In the sacrificial charity it was prayed for the souls of our hajy Arkadag's father Malikguly aga and his mother Ogulabat eje being in heaven. It is noteworthy that our Satate Leader Serdar Berdimuhamedov made his first foreign visit to the holy land of the Islamic world after taking office as the President of Turkmenistan in 2022, where he performed Umrah pilgrimage. 

As it is known, six countries - the Kingdom of Bahrain, the State of Qatar, the State of Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, the Sultanate of Oman and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - are regional members of this organization established in 1981. 

The meeting held at the highest level was attended by the heads of the member countries of the council and the Central Asian states - the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the General secretary of the cooperation council of arab states of the Gulf. 

Issues of development of mutually beneficial multilateral cooperation were included in the agenda of the summit. 

The Crown Prince, the Prime minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdelaziz Al Saud cordially greeted the distinguished guests and emphasized that the meeting will open up new opportunities for the development of effective intergovernmental and interregional cooperation. 

As our esteemed President pointed out in his profound speech during the summit, nowdays, complex international political situations are emerging in various regions, in the immediate vicinity, including the of Central Asia states and the Gulf Cooperation council. Therefore, existing global dangers and threats requires our countries to unite their efforts and adopt the necessary solutions. In this regard, our state Leader said that it would be expedient to create a permanent council of foreign ministers of the Central Asian and Gulf cooperation council states. 

Continuing his speech, our esteemed President emphasized that the energy sector is also given a large place, these countries have rich energy resources, fuel and energy resources and strong industrial facilities that process them. In this regard, our state Leader proposed to create a joint working group on Energy, which will analyze the possibilities of joint actions in the energy sector and carry out advisory works. 

The Crown Prince, the Prime minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia expressed his gratitude to our state Leader for his deep meaningful speech, in which described important initiatives aimed at the activation of full-level cooperation. A Joint Declaration was adopted on the results of the summit of the Heads of Gulf cooperation council member arab states and Central Asia states. 

During the working visit our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a meeting with the Crown Prince, the Prime minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdelaziz Al Saud. 

Our state Leader and the head of the friendly country's Government expressed their satisfaction with the opportunity to discuss the priorities of intergovernmental relations and emphasized the rapid development of bilateral cooperation aimed at achieving concrete results. 

The high-level summit held in Jeddah was an important meeting aimed at further development of effective intergovernmental and interregional cooperation in the interest of common welfare and development. 

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07 July
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