22 July

Turkmenistan - Korea: a new page in interparliamentary relationships

Under the wise leadership of our esteemed President the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state was the era of the achievements of our Motherland, the achieved high achievements written in golden letters on the glorious pages of history. In this new historical era Turkmenistan continuously implements a foreign policy based on the legal status of permanent Neutrality, and increasingly developing effective cooperation with foreign partners on a bilateral and multilateral basis. 

As it is known, on July 20, the National Leader of the turkmen people, Chairman of Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov led the delegation of his country, met with Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Kim Chzhin Pyo, who came to Turkmenistan on an official visit. 

At present, the initiatives of our Hero Arkadag to develop international cooperation are being successfully implemented under the leadership of our esteemed President. Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the relations established with Republic of Korea, the development of cooperation based on friendship, mutual trust, mutual understanding. 

The National Leader of the turkmen people, the Chairman of Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Kim Chzhin Pyo had a private meeting at the Maslahat koshgi. 

Our National Leader noted that this meeting will become an important step in the development of parliamentary relations between the two countries. Also, necessary attention is paid to the successful development of relations between the two countries on a multifaceted basis, in particular, within the framework of the "Central Asia - Republic of Korea" cooperation forum. 

During the private meeting Kim Chzhin Pyo noted that the Republic of Korea observes Turkmenistan's achievements in all fields with great interest, and expressed the interests of leading korean companies in expanding bilateral cooperation. 

Then the talks continued in a comprehensive structure with the participation of the delegations of the two countries. 

Our Hero Arkadag said that at the meeting held in Seoul in November of last year exchange the ideas on strengthen the role of parliamentary diplomacy and establish the "Central Asia-Republic of Korea" parliamentary forum to develop multilateral cooperation, and noted that the idea of ​​holding the first meeting of the leaders of the parliaments of Central Asia and the Republic of Korea in the Republic of Korea in September this year is fully supported. 

Our Hero Arkadag noted that, the Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Kim Chzhin Pyo has made a great contribution to the development of bilateral relations and expressed the sincerely gratitued for the personal attention to strengthen friendship and comprehensive cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea, and thanked for the fruitful meeting held in the atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. 

Our Hero Arkadag continued his speech and said that our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree on awarding the Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Kim Chzhin Pyo with the order of "Neutrality" of Turkmenistan. Then our Hero Arkadag solemnly presented the order of "Neutrality" to the Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Kim Chzhin Pyo. 

Expressing heartfelt gratitude for the high state award, the Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea noted that the order of "Neutrality" of Turkmenistan inspires to new victories. 

May the lifes of our esteemed President and the National Leader of the turkmen people our Hero Arkadag who initiating the opening of a new page of parliamentary relations in our country in the new era will be healthy and long! The works for the benefit of the country and people, and state-important always be filled with prosperity! 

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