31 July

The certificates were handed over to the elected members of gengesh

On July 23, 2023, the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township of Karizek etrap of Arkadag city were organized on the basis of multi-party, competitive, open, transparent, democratic principles in accordance with the electoral legislation. 

There was a ceremony of handing out the identity cards by the township election commission to those who were elected as member of gengesh in the elections held in Aba Annayev township. Also, in accordance with the Election code and the Law of Turkmenistan "On local self-government", was held the first meeting of the elected members of gengesh. 

Being local self-governing bodies, in our country gengeshes actively participate in the state policy, in the implementation of large-scale reforms and integrated development programs under the wise leadership of our esteemed President. 

These elections are the culmination of the unique development of our national democracy, and the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township of Karizek etrap are democratic elections held within the new Arkadag city, which is the foundation of the constant efforts of our Hero Arkadag, will enter in the glorious history of our beloved Land.

According to the Election code of Turkmenistan, 5 of candidates nominated by the political parties were elected as member of gengesh of Aba Annayev township. 

The elected members of gengesh had speech at the identity card presentation ceremony and assured that they will do their best to repay the trust expressed by their voters and will work hard to fulfill the clear tasks set by our esteemed President to develop our country socially, economically and culturally. 

Also, the members elected to the Aba Annayev township’s members of gengesh held their first meeting. 

As stated in the first meeting of members of gengesh, in accordance with the powers of the elected members, in the new historical conditions, representatives of local self-government bodies have an important role in our country in the implementation of fundamental reforms and large-scale development programs initiated by our esteemed President. Also, in the meeting, specific measures to solve the tasks within the powers of members of gengesh were defined and organizational issues were considered. 

The presence of young members of gengesh among those who elected in the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township shows that the high trust in the young generation in our country is reflected in the election system. 

The elected members sincerely expressed their gratitude to our esteemed President, who continues the far-sighted and humanistic policy of our Hero Arkadag, who pays great attention to the improvement of the election system in our country of democracy - our Motherland in the new era, and leading the high spirited turkmen people living a free, peaceful, noble life to a happy future. 

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