Ashgabat Mekan Palace hosted the meeting of the constituents with the candidate for the post of the Head of the State. Heads of local administration, the elders and youth representatives of public organizations, working groups of the enterprises and mass media.
Official representative of the candidate introduced the biography of B. Ataliyev who was nominated by the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Having characterized the candidate as initiative and practical leader demonstrating organization skills and professionalism in achievement of set targets, the representative highlighted personal features of the Presidential aspirant.
After, the floor was given to B. Ataliyev, who gave utterance to the key provisions of his electoral programme. The candidate assured that in case of his election as President of Turkmenistan, national economy in all branches would be dynamically developed as before. Special attention will be paid to social and cultural spheres, education and upbringing of young generation of Turkmenistan citizens, to development of domestic science. Independent neutral Turkmenistan will continue its steadfast movement to peace, creation and progress, consolidation of democratic foundations of the state and society, revival of primordial spiritual and moral values of the people. Diversification of the economy of the country and support of private sector are among topical targets.
During the conversation with the audience, the candidate answered the questions of people, many of which touched upon the subject of employment of young specialists. The candidate expressed his intention to implement comprehensive measures for realization of the strategy of social and economic development including in the context of its regional constituent.
In the end, having thanked the participants for productive meeting, the candidate for the post of the president of Turkmenistan assured the electorate that he would spare no efforts for further prosperity of the Motherland.
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