28 Jan

Ramazan Durdyev familiarized voters of the capital with his pre-election program

The meeting of electors of Ashgabat with Ramazan Durdyev, director of Seydi oil refinery, deputy of the Mejlis in the capital. It took place in the palace «Mekan», where heads of local governments, representatives of working collectives, social and mass media, elders and the youth gathered.

Participants of the meeting were familiarized with the biography of the nominee set forward by the group of initiators of citizens. By the representative of R.Durdyev he was characterized as just, well-educated specialist with organizational skills.

R.Durdyev underlined that he sees development of oil, gas and chemical industries, construction of motor and railway roads as priority directions of work and the opportunity of diversification of export of the “blue fuel” and power energy will be explored.

The nominee sees continuation of active construction of villages and cities as well development of mass physical and health movement and sports as key tasks and a special attention will be attached to expansion of mutually beneficial relations with other countries in the foreign policy.

The candidate answered questions of voters of further development of Ashgabat, petrochemical industry, agro-industrial complex and other sectors.

10 July
Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň möhletinden öň çykyp giden deputatlarynyň saýlaw okruglarynda 2024-nji ýylyň 7-nji iýulynda geçirilen saýlawlarda saýlanylan deputatlar barada maglumat

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09 July
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2024-nji ýylyň 9-njy iýulynda Türkmenistanda Saýlawlary we sala salşyklary geçirmek boýunça merkezi toparyň mejlisi geçirildi. Mejlisiň gün tertibine Aşgabat şäheriniň saýlaw toparynyň ýolbaşçysynyň w...

07 July
The voting for the elections has ended

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 19 o'clock, there were voted 91,32% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 91,84%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...

07 July
Voting continues

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 17 o'clock, there were voted 85,55% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 85,91%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...

07 July
Voting continues

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 15 o'clock, there were voted 76,11% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 74,72%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...

07 July
Voting continues

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 13 o'clock, there were voted 62,91% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 63,67%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...

07 July
Voting continues

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 11 o'clock, there were voted 41,29% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 40,76%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarap...

07 July
Voting continues

By the elections of early retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to 9 o'clock, there were voted 20,22% of voters. In the constituency 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» 20,23%, in the constituency 2 «Bitarapl...