Bekmyrat Atalyev Meets with Electorate of Mary Province

M.Kemine State Drama Theater of Mary province hosted the meeting of voters with Bekmyrat Atalyev, the candidate for the highest state post, the member of the National Parliament, the Chairman of the B...

The CIS Observer Mission started monitoring of the Presidential Election campaign in Turkmenistan

As is known, earlier, our country invited the observers from foreign states and competent international organizations, including the CIS, SCO and OBSE, which are presented with opportunity to observe...

Meeting of Head of the CIS Election Observation Mission V. Guminskiy with Chairman of the Central Election Committee of Turkmenistan G. Muradov takes place

The headquarter of the CIS Election Observation Mission published information saying that according to the invitation of the Central Committee for elections and referendums in Turkmenistan, the Missio...

Information for voters!

The Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan announces that in January 26, 2017 at the palace of “Mekan” municipality of Ashgabat city will be held meeting of the candidate for the post of Presiden...

Candidate for the post of the President of Turkmenistan Jumanazar Annaev met with voters in Ashgabat

In the capital's Palace "Mekan" there was the meeting of voters with the candidate for the post of the President of Turkmenistan - Jumanazar Annaev, Deputy Khyakim of Mary velayat. The trustee of the...

Information for voters!

On January 25, 2017, there will be conducted meetings of voters with candidates for President of Turkmenistan. The meeting with Bekmyrat Atalyev will be held at the State Drama Theatre named after...

Serdar Jelilov held a meeting with voters of Akhal velayat

Culture Home of Gyami village, Ak bugday etrap, Akhal velayat involving representatives of labor collectives, community, elders and youth, hosted a meeting of voters with the candidate for President o...

Meretdurdy Gurbanov answered the questions of Balkan velayat’s voters

In the Serdar etrap’s administrative center, it was held a meeting of Balkan velayat’s voters with the candidate for head of the state – Deputy khyakim of Dashoguz velayat Meretdurdy Gurbanov. Municip...

Ramazan Durdyev presided over a meeting with electorates of the country’s Northern region

In Dashoguz, involving the velayat’s community, elders, youth, workers of various industries, mass media representatives, it was held meeting with the candidate for President of Turkmenistan – Directo...

Meeting of Lebap velayat’s voters with candidate Bekmyrat Atalyev

Turkmenabat hosted a meeting of the Lebap velayat’s voters with the candidate for President of Turkmenistan – Board Chairman of “Rysgal” Joint-Stock Bank, Deputy of Mejlis of Turkmenistan Bekmyrat Ata...
