Berkarar döwletiň täze eýýamynyň Galkynyşy döwründe hormatly Prezidentimiziň parasatly baştutanlygynda ýurdumyzda durmuşyň ähli ugurlaryny düýpli ösdürmäge uly ähmiýet berilýär. Mukaddes Garaşsyzlygym... ata Watan, ene toprak türkmen halkynyň köňül köşgüniň ruhy sütünidir. Döwlet Garaşsyzlygymyz bolsa başymyzyň tylla täjidir. Gahryman Arkadagymyzyň, Arkadagly Serdarymyzyň saýasynda Berkarar... döwletiň täze eýýamynyň Galkynyşy döwründe, türkmen halkynyň Milli Lideri, Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygy Gahryman Arkadagymyzyň asylly başlangyçlaryny dowam etdirýän hormatly Prezi... Prezidentimiziň parasatly baştutanlygynda ruhubelent halkymyzyň her güni rowaçlyklara beslenýär. Senenamamyzyň 22-nji sentýabry möhüm sene bolup, täze taryhy eýýamda halkymyzy baky bagtyýarly... the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state, in the first days of the golden autumn in Turkmenistan the day of knowledge and students is celebrated in a solemn, high spirited manner. On this... our esteemed President's advice to conduct elections in our country based on organized and democratic principles, is an important task for the election commissions to fully and properly comp... the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state under the leadership of our esteemed President the elections in our country are held in accordance with democratic principles, national laws, in... the wise leadership of our deeply respected President of Turkmenistan the great importance is attached to the democratization of state and public life. In the Revival of the new epoch of the Pow... the wise leadership of our esteemed President the image of our country, the ancient turkmen land is completely changing, being made important achievements. They are reflected in the improvement... with all muslim countries, in our Motherland on the occasion of Gurban bayram which is celebrated on a grand scale, holiday events are held in high spirits. With the inclusion of this holy holid...