Turkmen cotton growers, who collected more than 1 million 50 thousand tons of “white gold”, in the grace of November successfully fulfilled their contractual obligations for the harvesting of cotton. So, they made a great contribution to ensuring the well-being of the people, to strengthening the reliable foundation for the prosperity of our country. This great labor victory was achieved as a result of the care of the distinguished President aimed at the growth of the agricultural sector and the economic stimulation of dayhan labor.
This year for the first time, private producers also joined in the cultivation of cotton. At the direction of the National Leader, there were allocated land plots from the special agricultural land fund created in the velayats.
The grain growers, having handed over 1 million 600 thousand tons of wheat to the home bins this year, achieved good results. Producers of fruits, vegetables, and melons have also masterfully grown a rich harvest.
Congratulating the cotton growers of all the workers of the village on a labor victory and the Harvest holiday, the National Leader separately emphasized: “The large harvest gathered in our native land is the wealth of the Motherland, the livelihood of our people,” and his decree “On awarding state awards in honor of the Harvest Festival” increased interest workers sat in love for the land and getting a rich harvest.
On November 9 of this year, with the participation of the distinguished President was launched the start of the autumn landscaping campaign in Turkmenistan. This campaign, which turned into a testimony of the high spirit of the Turkmen people, was organized throughout the country in a celebration of inspired labor.
The nationwide tree planting campaign has become a testament to the large-scale and consistent activities launched in our country to preserve environmental well-being.
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