06 Dec

The friendly relations between Turkmenistan and the State of Qatar

On December 3, 2022, the honorable President of our country whose prestige is rising at the international level Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working visit to the State of Qatar at the invitation of the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. 

Our esteemed President who was welcomed with great respect and affection held a high-level meeting there related to the comprehensive development of turkmen-qatar relations. Also he was the honorable guest at one of the matches of the FIFA World Cup which is continue in Doha these days. 

The interest in the sports holiday of Turkmenistan’s state Leader is another proof that great attention is being paid to the development and promotion of sports in our country, and to strengthening effective international cooperation in this field. This Football World Cup brought together footballers from different regions of the World and fans of this very attractive sport in the State of Qatar. Major international competitions have been held in the State of Qatar before. An example of this is, we can show the Asian games. But this is the first time the FIFA World Cup is being held in Qatar. 

Of course, Qatar is considered one of the countries in the Middle East that pay a lot of attention to sports. Located in the center of Doha, at the foot of the country's tallest building "Aspire Tower" the international stadium "Khalifa" is part of the sports complex "Doha Sports City" and since its opening in 1976 it has been the main football stadium of Qatar. 

As our esteemed President emphasized, that the physical education and sports ensure the harmonious development of society, and play an important role in shaping human character. It cultivates self-confidence, strength and courage in a person. 

When it comes down to it, our esteemed President is the President of the National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan, the holder of the honorary title of "Winning Coach of Turkmenistan". The issues of relations in the field of sports are regularly included in the agenda of foreign visits, high-level talks and meetings. 

Our esteemed President held meeting with the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani at the "Khalifa" stadium where the World Football Championship is being held. 

Our esteemed President noted the excellent organization of the international sports forum held for the first time in a friendly country, and expressed confidence that this being the biggest event of the year, would make a worthy contribution to promoting the values ​​and importance of sports in the lives of people all over the world. 

Then, the Prime minister of the State of Qatar, minister of interior affairs Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdul Aziz Al Thani cordially greeted the President of Turkmenistan in the special place of the "Khalifa" stadium intended for honored guests. 

Also here our esteemed President met with the President of the Football associations of international federation - FIFA, Gianni Infantino. 

The head of FIFA noted that this visit of the President of Turkmenistan is significant in the development of relations at the international level in the field of sports, especially football. Noting that sports and the Olympic movement are widely developed in Turkmenistan, the special importance was emphasized to FIFA's support in coordinating efforts at the international level to spread the football form of the sports. 

The current visit of our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the State of Qatar and the talks held between the two countries testify that it will provide a wide opportunity to develop and enrich the relations with new meaning. 

May the life of our esteemed President who has devoted special respect to sports in our holy Motherland along with other fields, done great work in developing it, doing great things in attracting the young generation to sports will be long. Let his noble works for the benefit of the country and people will prosper. 

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