30 Dec

State service academy trainees on industrial experience

At the Powerful period of new era of the Sovereign state under the wise leadership of our esteemed President our country is moving confidently along the path of development. The unity of the people and the state in the country is the main starting point of all developments and progress. 

Our state Leader made his historic speech at the inauguration to the Presidency ceremony: "In the successful implementation of my goals I rely, first of all, on our people, on their unity and integrity, on their understanding and courage", "A country is a country only with its people! A state is a state only with its people!" emphasized with great sense. 

When it comes down to note it, in our dear land, the organized elections of various levels, held on the basis of multi-party, in the conditions of wide competition, in accordance with democratic principles, which reflect the full image of the integrity of the turkmen society and the internal harmony of all its layers clearly prove it. Because, elections are a reflection and result of the democratization of the political system and civil society. 

As a result of the close support of our state Leader, elections in our Motherland are held in accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan, our national laws, generally recognized international norms and the work of the election system is being improved more and more. 

Elections are an important socio-political event and one of the most basic political rights of citizens. 

In this regard, in order to get to know the operation of the electoral system in depth and comprehensively, with the purpose to get to know the operation of the electoral system thoroughly and comprehensively, the State service academy under the President of Turkmenistan in order to strengthen the knowledge gained in the theoretical courses, the students studying in the II semester of the course "Improving the professional levels of employees of local bodies of executive power and local self-government bodies", on December 29, 2022, they had an industrial experience at the office of the Central election commission. 

In the industrial experience they are involved in the work on conducting elections on a democratic basis, in an organized manner, preparing and conducting elections and referendums, amendments and additions to the Election code of Turkmenistan, the creation and preparation of electoral groups, the electoral system, the right to vote, the introduction of a digital system in elections, last year's features of the elections of the members of Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan held for the first time in our country on March 28, as well as, according to the instructions of our President, the deputies of the Mejlis, velayat, etrap and city halk maslahaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan to be held in 2023,  comprehensive overview of the preparations for the elections of the members of Gengeshs was given and interesting questions and answers were exchanged. 

The participants of the industrial experience held in the working conditions expressed their gratitude to our esteemed President who continuing decently the visionary and humanitarian policy of our Hero Arkadag, for the opportunities to study, work and improve their skills in the country of democracy - our dear Motherland in the new era. 

Also they cordially congratulated our Hero Arkadag, our esteemed President and entire turkmen people with the new year 2023.

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