19 June

The second stage of construction of Arkadag city was launched

In the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state large-scale reforms under the wise leadership of our esteemed President are being successfully implemented in our country which is taking a confident step towards the heights of development. This is the guarantee of the well-being of our Motherland and the happy life of our people, and indicates that the year of happy youth with Arkadag Serdar is filled with historical events. 

 As you know, on June 16 our esteemed President held a comprehensive mobile meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in Arkadag city and participated in the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the second stage of the construction of Arkadag city. 

The Arkadag city is a clear example of the success of a powerful state. With the initiative of the National Leader of the turkmen people, the construction of which was started in 2019, the first "smart" city in our country with a new foundation in the foothills of Kopetdag has acquired a very beautiful appearance today. 

There is a popular saying in our people: "Build a city is gift, build a building is reward." The Arkadag city is the largest innovative urban development project in our country and even in the entire region. Nowadays, the turkmen people are looking forward to an important event - the grand opening of the Arkadag city which was born as a miracle of the new era in the foothills of Kopetdag. 

Efforts to adapt the architectural features of the new city to the modern spirit and advanced international standards are yielding positive results. This is evidenced by the fact that the Arkadag city was recently awarded a certificate of participation in the project "Development of sustainable, "green", climate-friendly cities with innovative solutions in the region of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe". 

After the mejlis, our esteemed President blessed the construction of the second stage of Arkadag city and threw a box with a commemorative inscription at the bottom of one of the buildings whiçh will be built in the future. He poured the first concrete mixture for the foundation of the new building and initiated the construction of new buildings of the new city. 

It is the place to note that, in the first stage of Arkadag city, mainly were built the residential houses, social and cultural facilities and office buildings. In the second stage of the city's construction it is planned to build a production complex that meets ecological requirements and industrially processes raw materials, to acquire modern techniques and other modern equipment to organize the work of the city's utilities at a high level, and to install them effectively. These works will be of great importance in improving the employment of the population and industrializing our economy, and the products to be produced here will play an important role in increasing the export capacity of our country. 

Our esteemed President presented to the city modern electric vehicles that will supplement the digital capabilities of Arkadag city. Our esteemed President handed over the keys of electric cars, electric buses and other vehicles belonging to departmental management institutions to the mayor of Arkadag city. 

Also, a festival donation was given in honor of an important event in the life of our country - the laying of the foundation of the second stage of the construction of Arkadag city. All those who participated in these events were given a book entitled "Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov charitable fund for supporting children in Need". 

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