According to the article 63 of the Election code of Turkmenistan, the preaching season starts on the day of candidate registration and ends one day before the elections day.
In order to conduct this season of elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township in a highly organized and transparent manner in accordance with national democratic principles, it should be noted from the outset that equal conditions have been created for all candidates.
Being a local self-governing bodies, the gengeshes are actively participate in the state policy, implementation of large-scale reforms and integrated development programs which are conducted under the wise leadership of our esteemed President in our country.
Within the framework of preaching activities at the meetings held in the Aba Annayev township, the voters got acquainted with the biographies of the candidates and works will carry out in order to implement the initiatives of our esteemed President for the benefit of the country and people. Candidates also answered the voters' questions during these meetings which were held in the conditions of activity and openness, with the participation of trusted people of the candidates and national observers.
On the website of the Central election commission ( decisions, regulations and guidelines, news of the Central Election Commission related to the election season were regularly posted.
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