By 19:00/7:00 p.m., 92,37 % of voters voted in the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township of Karizek etrap of Arkadag city. 17:00 p.m., 79,24 % of voters voted in the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township of Karizek etrap of Arkadag city. The voting continues. 15:00 p.m., 67,37 % of voters voted in the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township of Karizek etrap of Arkadag city. The voting continues. 13:00 p.m., 51,27 % of voters voted in the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township of Karizek etrap of Arkadag city. The voting continues. 11:00 a.m., 33,47 % of voters voted in the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township of Karizek etrap of Arkadag city. The voting continues. 9:00 a.m., 16,10 % of voters voted in the elections of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township of Karizek etrap of Arkadag city. The voting continues. July 23, 2023, the voting has started at 7:00 a.m. and will ended at 19:00/7:00 p.m. in polling station. A total of 236 voters were registered for the elections. ten-day early voting works by the election of members of gengesh of Aba Annayev township ended on July 22 at 2:00 p.m. As it is known, these activities, first of all, are primarily intended fo... the wise leadership of our esteemed President the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state was the era of the achievements of our Motherland, the achieved high achievements written in gold... to the article 63 of the Election code of Turkmenistan, the preaching season starts on the day of candidate registration and ends one day before the elections day. In order to conduct th...