Guided by wise instructions, the advice of our esteemed President, the further conduct of elections in our country, in accordance with national legislation and international requirements, transparentl... December 12, 1995, our country acquired the status of a permanently Neutral state. In June 2015, at the 69th meeting of the UN General Assembly, 193 countries adopted the resolution “Permanent Neut... recently, in connection with the expiration of the term of office of precinct election commissions, work was organized to elect members of precinct election commissions. With a request to talk..., which testified the maturity of Turkmen society and the realization of the political rights and freedoms of citizens on the basis of the humanitarian policy of the respected President, clea... the basis of wise, far-sighted actions, advices and instructions of the distinguished President, extensively studying international experience in holding elections, types of electoral systems, the... the distinguished President wisely noted, “The electoral system of Turkmenistan, in accordance with generally accepted requirements of international law, is based on true democratic principles”.... are the main source of manifestation of democracy in the socio-political life of the country. At the same time, the voting right associated with the right to elect and be elected is fundamen... our country consistently implemented systematic works on the development of national legal norms, and on their basis a deeper democratization of society. Full evidence of this is being carried out... our Independent, constantly Neutral Homeland, under the leadership of our Arkadag, much attention is paid to the further democratization of society, ensuring the guarantee of citizens' suffrage. El... the elections of the President of Turkmenistan, deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of the velayat, etrap, city Halk maslahaty and Gengeshes, as well as on the referendums are used ball...